You MAY have read and heard all over the media, this week...the constituents of Venice are TIRED of watching the community fall into the toilet that Bill Rosendahl can't even provide toilet paper for. We all KNOW there has been BOATLOADS of Federal money shipped into the Marina, to provide services through non-profits, throughout the district. But we see NO EVIDENCE of that money being used. SO WHAT HAPPENED TO THE MONEY?
In lieu of taking a trip downtown to ask Counciloser Rosendope, in person, at the council meeting...only to hear a bunch of Mr. Magoo, befuddled jibber-jabber...ZD will get some REAL answers the LEGAL way.
THIS PUBLIC RECORDS REQUEST WAS SENT TO ROSENDOPE, BONEHEAD-BONNIN & Carmen Titanich's office. Everything's going just SWELL since that 12 midnight curfew, fellas? Is there ANYTHING that doesn't backfire on you confused-clown morons? (Yeah, Trutanich, we mean YOU!) WHAT A MESS. THESE QUESTIONS SHOULD PROVIDE SOME ANSWERS AS TO HOW THE FEDERAL MONEY WAS MISMANAGED. (And then the FEDS can take it from there. ZD's had some success in this area.)
To: Bill Rosendahl, Mike Bonnin (Chief of Losers), Carmen Trutanich L.A. City Attorney Office
Fr: The Legendary Icon
Subject: Public Records Request - Council District Eleven (CD 11): Non-Profit Funds & Non-Profit Contracts
May 9, 2012
Zuma Dogg
Re: Public Records Request
Dear Gentlelosers:
Pursuant to my rights under the California Public Records Act, I am writing to request a copy of the following writings, documents, and records which I understand to be in the possession, control and/or knowledge of this jurisdiction:
1. Listing of all Federal funds awarded to Council District Eleven (amount and purpose) administered to non-profits for services in the district, for period of past three years.
2. Listing of all non-profits which received any funds from CD 11 (Federal funds, any other outside funds/grants, or L.A. City general fund money), for period of past three years.
3. Listing of what service(s) were provided by the non-profits, which received funds, from CD 11, over period of past three years.
4. Copy of city contracts of all non-profits which received funds, and/or are currently receiving funds from CD 11, over period of past three years.
Should you deny part or this entire request, you are required to provide a written response describing the legal authority or authorities on which you rely. Provide response and responsive documents, records and writings electronically pursuant to Gov't Code (legalese)...
Zuma Dogg