Carmen "The Clown" Trutanich is paying DEB FOX of MEYERS-NAVE $350 an hour (out of L.A. City GENERAL FUND), plus stenographer $125 an hour. PLUS, other attorneys assigned to the case at $250 and hour. THERE ARE ELEVEN (11) OF US ON THE LAWSUIT, THAT WE ALREADY WON!!! THIS IS JUST TO PREPARE FOR A LONG JURY TRIAL (OF 11 WINNING PLAINTIFFS), TO AWARD DAMAGES.
MEDIA: If you would like a full copy of the 120 page Zuma Dogg deposition, send me an email. It gives you insight into the legal strategy of (allegedly) some big shot outside counsel firm. Check em out online. (BIG ON CRA TYPE LAW!)
Besides the money Trutanich is paying Meyers-Nave to drag this whole thing out, instead of a settlement...THE CITY ALSO PAYS OUR (DOWD/DOGG & 9 OTHER PLAINTIFFS) ATTORNEY'S FEE, at $750 and hour (times eleven).
Between depositions, analysis of depositions, medical examinations of Zuma Dogg by outside doctor city is requiring, preparing for the summary judgement (on Code of Conduct/Rules of Decorum during public comment on council meeting for interruptions/cut-offs/ejections/bans of DOWD/DOGG over SIX YEAR PERIOD, still yet to be ruled on by FEDERAL judge) -- IT COULD COST AN EXTRA MILLION DOLLARS, on top of a MUCH HIGHER JURY AWARD, perhaps, than what DOWD/DOGG were asking for.
SO YOU CAN ASK CARMEN TRUTANICH about all of this, for an explanation of why he is using scarce city general fund dollars (same dollars for fire, police, parks, libraries, street repair, mechanics to repair fire trucks/EMS trucks, ENTIRE CITY STAFF for ALL SERVICES).
AND, since DEB FOX is taking CITY MONEY, and this whole deal is listed on the city website, I am going to post ZUMA DOGG'S DEPOSITION WITH DEB FOX OF MEYERS-NAVE, so TAXPAYERS can see where this is headed, and the WEAK ASS/EMPTY BULLSHIT MEYERS-NAVE is trying to take to a jury.
DEB FOX HAD A DATE WITH THE FEDERAL JUDGE, YESTERDAY (06/05/12) on another Venice lawsuit filed by MATT DOWD, et al, for paintings/photos (1st Amendment) -- and I heard is went BADLY for DEB!
BUT FIRST, LET ME ASK YOU A QUESTION: If I said I was going to "throw you under the bus," would you feel that is a threat, and you need to be concerned that ZD is going to physically pick up and throw you under a moving bus, to the extent that you feel you need to pursue the matter, further?
IS DEB FOX BEING PAID $350 an hour, out of L.A. City general fund to read each and every tweet by Zuma Dogg? OR IS IT JUST AN OBSESSION, PERHAPS? I better go easy on my tweets. The City of L.A. may be paying for each one.
MEDIA: If you would like a full copy of the 120 page Zuma Dogg deposition, send me an email. It gives you insight into the legal strategy of (allegedly) some big shot outside counsel firm. Check em out online. (BIG ON CRA TYPE LAW!)