Wednesday, December 12, 2012 & PRESENT: "Zuma Dogg - LEGACY" [In '79, wheels fell off Led Zeppelin=Legendary body of work lives, online. 2012=Year it happened to Zuma Dogg -- WATCH THE LEGACY=ONLINE, HERE.]

AFTER YOU WATCH THESE, HERE'S a good link to "Best of Zuma Dogg Show" Old Skool vids (beyond ones embedded below).

BEST OF 2012: Here's BEST OF, "The Zuma Dogg Show" (2000-2012): Reality comedy from the streets of L.A. Politics/Comedy; and sad to say, USUALLY, at the SAME TIME! - LOL & :o(

"Brain-seizing artistry. A local superstar, TV icon." - LA Weekly

- via YouTube widget

FOR THE RECORD: @ZumaDogg: "Public Comment" (2006-2012): EXPOSING DETAILS the FRAUD/WASTE/ABUSE (dare I say, "Municipal Mafia Corruption") that happened ACROSS U.S. -- bringing it to an ECONOMIC & PUBLIC SERVICES WRECK. YOU HAVE NEVER SEEN ANYONE GET DOWN, LIKE THIS...AND NEVER WILL. Watch how they try to stop him, EVERY STEP OF THE WAY. [A FEDERAL HEARING on the interruptions of this public speaker, by elected body=Jan. 14, 2013.] Have a peek at U.S. history.

And now, on with the music...(and comedy).