Sunday, January 13, 2013
Introduction to NLP-based "Creative Empowement" Website, Seminar Videos & Radio Shows: Today's content: Richard Bandler, Tony Robbins, Zuma Dogg, Al Ries, Deming's 14 Points (Quality & Productivity) -- AND "Zuma Dogg's FREE SOCIAL MEDIA TOOLS (Everything you need for MAXIMUM ONLINE ENHANCEMENT!)
Zuma Dogg wants you to learn about "Creative Empowerment" (NLP based program) to help you increase your creativity, productivity -- and hopefully, enhance the overall quality of your day. All of the content below, is from the new website,, and you can just go there, directly, now, too, for all of this; and all the rest.
01-13-13: Here are today's tweets, introducing my followers to NLP, which I urge ALL readers, no matter WHO you are, to learn about and learn. I'm here to help facilitate that process for you.
When I offer my time, to help you learn NLP, it is not ZD giving you ADVICE, or telling you what you should do. I think you already know what you want/need to do with your time. NLP helps you toward all goals. And it's just the "art" of words/communication, basically. No biggie.
I can share the material I have amassed, since the 80's, through today; and answer questions, and MAKE SURE YOU "GET IT," and notice an enjoyable, blissful breakthrough, in the areas you are trying to flourish, in your life/world. Tweet @ZumaDogg or email
This can all be done on the phone (ZD on digital voice connection/studio quality call, or video chat. Then follow up emails with new stuff, and you can email me with follow up questions. )
This is all a WHOLE lot of fun, but fulfilling/not a waste of time, when you are done with the entertainment, which is what all of this is, to me. Cause REALLY, EVERYTHING you choose to experience, even if you are seeking out Albert Einstein knowledge, is because you ENJOY it/makes you FEEL GOOD/HAPPY and ENTERTAINS you. Try THIS brand of entertainment. NLP.
Richard Bandler is the Walt Disney, of it all. I'm here to help follow up on his videos, for you. NLPLifeTraining tweets with info on their UK training and products at bottom of page.
AND, excuse my over-the-top flaunting of some of the "quotes"/feedback/results I've produced with NLP. I'm trying to give you confidence in the material, and in ZD, as presenter.
It's not about ZD being BETTER than you. It's about ZD serving you like a massage therapist or gym trainer. THOSE people aren't better than you. But you do those things, to enhance the quality of your life.
I feel NLP is the BIGGEST life-enhancer/the answer; so I want you to read and listen in confidence. When a movie or book gets good reviews/quotes, they take out billboards and TV commercials to let you see them.
And, I'm trying to brand my identity as world-class trainer, under the name, "Zuma Dogg -- OVER-THE-TOP comedic/music entertainer, by trade. LOL!
CLICK HERE for page with today's tweets on NLP, in new window.
NOT TO SET THE BAR TOO HIGH, but I 10,000% GUARANTEE, WHATEVER goal or WHATEVER you want to do MORE of (good things) -- THIS RADIO SHOW ON YouTube WILL unleash it, within you. I didn't create the material. I'm just doin' a good COVER VERSION, for you, to check out. It's free -- and I ain't stickin' any pins in you or tyin' your hands behind your back. JUST WORDS. Here's how you can better arrange yours. That's what NLP is MOSTLY all about. Saying, "Hit a home run," instead of, "Don't strike out." BOTH "say" the same thing, but will produce two VERY DIFFERENT baseball card statistics. FYI: L.A. City Hall fans, this show is about DWP rate increases/City Hall, as I apply NEED for NLP to help you "manage your emotional state," to deal with this news. MORE LOLs from ZD. You KNOW I can't play ANYTHING 100% straight. (Gotta be #FUN!)
"CREATIVE EMPOWERMENT" - CUSTOM SESSIONS: The content on this site (radio shows/videos/articles) IS the NLP session, for you; and is doing the "work," within the content, throughout. But, if you have specific questions; wanna practice these concepts, with me; discuss specific applications in your personal or professional life; and have questions about any of this stuff, we can have a custom session, on phone (ZD online voice phone, for clear/studio sound -- or video chat), for $45/per half hour. [Half hour should be good first session; but an hour goes by quickly, too.]Order here on this PayPal link (can use credit card, even if no PayPal account), and I'll email and call you, today; and whip it all into shape, for you; and keep sending you links to videos and audio, I have found and like, most, myself. Can also talk about "social media" and get your FREE online office/media empire set up, for you, if you need/want that. [See "ZD's Social Media Tools," here: (Copy/Paste short URL and send to people who you know need "social media" help.]
WHAT EVERYONE WANTS: Huge clicks on "ZD's Social MediaTools," so moved link to front page. Click here to open in new window. (Keys to the Batmobile, courtesy of Alfred & Zuma Dogg. Basics of "Creative Empowerment" to be discussed in shows.)
MONDAY, 01-14-13 (Los Angeles): Zuma Dogg Drags L.A. City Council into FEDERAL COURT, to STRAIGHTEN THEY SHADY ASSES UP! FEDERAL SUMMARY JUDGEMENT HEARING on Council public comment rules, Jan. 14. NOT ABOUT ZD's bad reaction, after they interrupt, as seen in videos below. "Best of Zuma Dogg "City Council Interrupts Zuma Dogg, As He EXPOSES Their Corruption", relating to Monday's court hearing, on right column of this site. All "City Hall" videos at, along with Deming 14 Points Webinar videos.