When considering how to degrade ISIS terror across globe; #OBAMA, TODAY, reminds you to REMEMBER #JimCrow & killing in name of Christianity.
WHY is U.S. PRESIDENT SPINNING FOR ISLAMIC MUSLIM SAVAGE KILLERS? Obama, today="So it (killing) is not unique to one group or one religion,"
WHY is @BarackObama's sole purpose, as U.S. President=defending Islamic Muslim terrorists, w comments about #JimCrow/Christians did terrible deeds in name of Jesus?
NEW GLOBAL ERA!=In 40's, Hitler/Nazis did it, without much international orchestration. Now, #ISIS works overseas, w fellow #Muslim #Obama.
AMERICANS ASKED #OBAMA WHAT HE'S GONNA DO ABOUT #ISIS: He lectures on Jim Crow and says Christians ALSO killed in name of religion. #IMPEACH
RT=Tell @BarackObama you don't want a Rev Wright lecture on racist history of Christians/America: FOCUS ON DEFENDING U.S. FROM #ISIS! #Obama
#Obama hollers, U.S. slave nation/Christians killed in name of religion=DEFENDS #ISIS=NOT saying what he is doing about #ISIS=#GetRidOfObama
"So it (killing) is not unique to one group or one religion," #Obama said, today. (So, I guess we let #ISIS continue as their right.)
U.S. MEDIA NEEDS TO/SHOULD STOP printing/reporting the words/comments/press releases of racist/Anti-U.S. divisive hate speaker, #EricHolder.
Americans, Get OFF your high horses. You think #ISIS are ONLY ONES killing/enslaving in name of religious prophets! What about USA? - #Obama
"In USA, slavery too often was justified in the name of Christ," U.S. President #BarackObama told the world, today. (DEFLECTING FOR #ISIS)
#KingAbullah combats #ISIS/#POTUS #Obama helps #ISIS recruitment w anti-America speech on U.S. slavery/bad Christian deeds in name of Jesus.
#BarackObama, with his secret nuclear negotiations, to allow Iran nukes; is #Obama's attempt to wipe as many Jews, as possible, off planet.
"Genocide in the name of #Jesus." #Obama/@BarackObama QUICKLY/EASILY spits out those words, today, but is STILL yet to say same about #ISIS.
Slavery, Jim Crow, killing in name of Christ=ALL things #Obama lectured about, today, in face of ISIS threat across world. GET RID OF OBAMA!
If this were '30s/'40s, #Obama would be saying="Nazis are NOT Germans. Nazism is perversion of German State." SO WHAT=DEFEND US FROM NAZIS.
NEW: Watch #FoxNews LIVE (embedded) & stream #RushLimbaugh/#MarkLevin/#MichaelSavage/#SeanHannity + #Drudge/Etc links=http://HeatPolitics.com
"Unwilling, or unable to do so." What military experts say about #POTUS @BarackObama's ability to defend U.S. from #ISIS. RT=REMOVE #OBAMA!
"Remember people committed terrible deeds in the name of Christ," #BarackObama said. (WE WANT DEFENSE vs #ISIS, not Anti-Christian lecture!)
#BarackObama not only WELCOMES diseased, illiterate, American-hating, 3rd World Muslims to U.S.A.=he IMPORTED them. And, plots against Jews.
TODAY, #OBAMA BLASTS U.S.A./CHRISTIANITY!!!: "In our home country, slavery and Jim Crow all too often was justified in the name of Christ."
It's becoming clear and certain=#BarackObama simply DOES NOT have what it takes. He does NOT have the heart/mind/spirit/energy/ability.
#Obama calls Americans scared of #ISIS attacks/wanting him to DO SOMETHING TO DEFEND U.S.A., "getting on high horse." He's DEFENSIVE OF ISIS
I KNOW #OBAMA'S BIG PLAN for America=release #GitMo terrorists; and replace every White male with #LGBT Latino, but=DEFEND U.S. FROM #ISIS!
How come #BarackObama doesn't say, "we invite all Jewish people being run out #Europe by #Muslims, to U.S.A?" Because he wants Jews killed. (He is helping Iran become nuked-up to threaten/attack Israel.)
U.S.A. wants #Obama to defend U.S. lives against #ISIS=HE lectures us on "terrible deeds in name of Christ/U.S. slavery/not unique to ISIS."
#BarackObama is correct that America/Government sells people into slavery. #Obama sold all Americans into slavery of mandated #ObamaCare. RT
Americans MUST #REVOLT against, #1 threat to U.S. safety: Anti-American/Anti-Christian/Anti-Semite, idealist, racist, dictator #BarackObama!
#Obama should tell America what it is=HE knows, that the rest of the world does NOT know. He seems to believe he has exclusive brain powers.
#Obama walks with tightest ass; and a hunched, lean. Looks like he's trying to hold in a dump, in his executive pants. (Plus, he's racist.)
#VETERANS=#RiseUP against Anti-U.S./Anti-Christian/Anti-Semite, @BarackObama=DEFENDS #ISIS in his comments & undermines your heroic efforts.
#Obama's mouth is becoming more and more dangerous to the immediate safety of America. Time to yank his #Muslim ass, send him home to Kenya.
How about this..since Obama is Muslim and he doesn't want to call it MUSLIM TERROR, how about; WHATEVER he wants to call it...JUST END IT!