Phone/Text: 213.785.7272
Zuma Dogg/Venice, CA: Music/Comedy/Politics by, "Legendary Venice Performance Artist & Multi-Media Presence" - #Venice Councilman Mike Bonin
L.A. News Media on Zuma Dogg: "Legend"/KABC - "Heroic"/KRLA - "Crusader"/LA Mayor Garcetti - "An L.A. superstar, icon. Brilliant."/LA Weekly - "Stunned and amazed. We've never seen anything like him. A treasure."/LA Times - "A very funny comedian."/Howard Stern - "Fabulous"/Tony Robbins
YouTube.com/ZumaDogg Facebook.com/ZumaDoggShow
Tweets by @ZumaDoggShow
Check "The Coconut Song" (Best reaction/Summer 2016)
COMEDY of #Politics=ZD as Gene Simmons at City Hall
STREET COMEDY: ZD invented #RealityTV & #Selfies (because he didn't have a cameraman.) Here's an early (Y2K) show.
Zuma Dogg on Howard Stern: ZD fans get upset if this isn't posted. They like to say the lines back aloud, like, "Rocky Horror Picture Show." (The #Debut of Zuma Dogg)
"IT'S FUN TO SING LIKE STEVE PERRY": #FanFavorite=This L.A. cable TV segment nearly pigeonholed ZD as the, "Don't Stop Believing" guy. #CLASSIC
Real Reality TV: Harassed by CBS TV Shoot=LOL!
PUBLIC COMMENT VIDEO ARCHIVES (LEGENDARY-HISTORY): ZD Exposes Fraud, Waste & Abuse: "More Brilliant than Brietbart. Zuma Dogg fought the oppressive, L.A. Council meetings presided over by Garcetti, who banned video cameras. Mr. Dogg prevailed against Garcetti, and now any member of the public may record the meetings, thanks to him." - LA Weekly
VICTORY ZUMA DOGG (And The People of America)=FEDERAL JUDGE RULES Los Angeles City Council Broke U.S. Law in Censorship of The Public.
Watch "Zuma Dogg - City Hall Era" (RealityTV) on YouTube.com/ZumaDogg.
"I've seen the future of television comedy. Zuma Dogg is the only American comedian today wearing the comedy-genius mantle once borne by Lenny Bruce, Allen Funt and Andy Kaufman." - Michael Heaton/Syndicated Columnist
- YouTube.com/ZumaDogg
- Zuma Dogg #EPIC Press/Reviews/Comments
- “KINGPIN!”: ZD’s Hollywood TV Script About REAL-LIFE L.A. City Hall Corruption; based on ZD’s real, insider info/actual news headlines.) The names have been changed, to protect the guilty.
- ZD's 80's Music Radio
- Zuma Dogg WORDPRESS Video Blog
- YouTube.com/ZumaDogg
- Zuma Dogg #EPIC Press/Reviews/Comments
- “KINGPIN!”: ZD’s Hollywood TV Script About REAL-LIFE L.A. City Hall Corruption; based on ZD’s real, insider info/actual news headlines.) The names have been changed, to protect the guilty.
- ZD's 80's Music Radio
- Zuma Dogg WORDPRESS Video Blog