Thursday, June 12, 2008

More Concerns Over Neighborhood Council Election Shadiness Under City Clerks Election Division)

Has the Los Angeles Neighborhood Council elections under the City Clerks Election Division become nothing more than a big racket? (As in RICO/Racketeering?) You be the judge. Or maybe a judge will be the judge?

Here's a comment that was posted on a previous thread that I just caught:

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Community Concern Over Lincoln Heights Neighborhoo...":

"These elections have gotten so shady it pathetic. Zuma should investigate your pals on the other side of town. Word all over the community is Juan Romero who works at "YO" is a shoe in because of the city staffers who are campaigning and telling everyone to go vote for him. Problem is, I don't feel Juan hasn't done anything for the community and everyone just wants the money.

Jose Aguilar has a tough battle because he's going against people who work for the city. Romero was calling everyone to go vote for him tomorrow. The NC's aren't about the people who care about the community but political pawns now and a lot of them are corrupt. Too bad."