Monday, August 11, 2008

UPDATE: MORE San Fransisco Coverage of Zuma Dogg (NOW With Averell "Ace" Smith)

If I had to be mentioned in the same article as someone named, "Ace," I would have preferred it to be "Ace" Frehley, not the shallow, no-talent spin-loser Averell "Ace" Smith who hasn't done a THING to help his boss (Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraiogsa) score a single point against Zuma Dogg on the blogs over the past two and a half years.

Click link below for San Fransisco Chronicle coverage of Zuma Dogg and Ace Loser that they say is gonna jump on Jerry Brown's Gubenetorial bandwagon, if that's any indication of where the Villaraigosa Gubenetorial hopes lie:

Brown and Villaraigosa: Ace-ing a Campaign? San Francisco Chronicle, USA - 1 hour ago... Garry South meeting with San Francisco mayor Gavin Newsom on the sly in Malibu, where they were caught by Zuma Dogg, the local blogger...

Click here for more Zuma coveage of Cali politics.
Click here for Zuma Dogg YouTube videos.