Monday, November 30, 2009

Zuma Dogg's Wall Street Wrap Up for "Dubai World" Monday (Biggest Gainers & Losers on ZD's Wall Street Watch List)

Here are the biggest gainers and losers on ZD's Wall Street Watch list. You can see the entire watch list here, that I use to monitor the market and global economy as a whole. (I'm not saying it covers everything under the sun...but from the list, you get a good BIG picture.) LOOK AT SEED. Up 22% today! You can click the link to read the story as to why. (You have to click on the links to see what the stock is, but again, you can DEFINITELY cover the entire global economy and stock markets based on this list. You just have to get to memorize the symbols.)

Dow S&P 500 Nasdaq
Market Chart
10,344.84 +34.92 (0.34%)
1,095.63 +4.14 (0.38%)
2,144.60 +6.16 (0.29%)

Click to enlarge Gold $1178 at 4pm market close


NameSymbolLast priceChangeMkt capVolumeOpenHighLowDay's gain

Cash - Deposit / Withdraw

Origin Agritech Ltd.SEED13.52+2.52 (22.91%)304.40M29.33M11.5713.5311.57
AgFeed Industries, Inc.FEED5.33+0.33 (6.60%)234.12M4.77M5.055.695.05
Agria Corporation (ADR)GRO3.51+0.20 (6.04%)221.83M2.28M3.363.63.01
eBay Inc.EBAY24.47+1.25 (5.38%)31.64B19.44M23.2924.5423.2
Ultra MSCI Japan...EZJ60.21+1.84 (3.15%)8.91M0.0059.3760.2158.3701
ProShares Ultra DJ-UBS...UCO12.96+0.34 (2.69%)394.50M5.56M12.3513.2312.3
Financial Select Sector...XLF14.66+0.38 (2.66%)6.66B77.47M14.3514.6914.34
iShares Dow Jones US...IYF52.02+1.32 (2.60%)525.40M3.04M50.9752.0950.89
Ultra FTSE/Xinhua China...XPP75.40+1.88 (2.56%)33.22M59,695.0074.8875.7573.886
Ultra MSCI Emerging...EET83.05+2.05 (2.53%)26.42M60,456.0083.8583.8581.37
SPDR KBW Regional...KRE21.03+0.46 (2.24%)516.29M1.93M20.621.0120.42
Starbucks CorporationSBUX21.90+0.47 (2.19%)16.21B10.01M21.3121.9421.11
ProShares Ultra Silver...AGQ68.34+1.36 (2.03%)160.09M679,451.0066.1468.6765.78


NameSymbolLast priceChangeMkt capVolumeOpenHighLowDay's gain

Cash - Deposit / Withdraw

ProShares UltraShort...SRS8.71-0.73 (-7.73%)836.74M25.57M9.359.58.64
United States Natural...UNG9.15-0.68 (-6.92%)3.54B37.04M9.28039.399.14
ProShares UltraShort...SKF24.44-1.35 (-5.23%)864.61M16.91M25.4925.5824.34
ProShares UltraShort...EWV52.69-2.06 (-3.76%)16.37M37,283.0052.2752.9651.555
GameStop Corp.GME24.40-0.92 (-3.63%)4.02B7.20M25.3125.3523.75
ProShares UltraShort...SCO13.58-0.44 (-3.14%)16.39B1.32M14.3114.31413.28
ProShares UltraShort...ZSL4.07-0.11 (-2.63%)57.40M743,593.
ProShares Short...SEF44.49-1.19 (-2.61%)110.72M138,199.0045.5245.58444.48
ProShares UltraShort...BZQ23.86-0.63 (-2.57%)10.65M104,570.0024.1324.4623.84
ProShares UltraSh...FXP8.05-0.20 (-2.42%)275.73M2.24M8.138.218
ProShares UltraShort...JPX20.07-0.45 (-2.19%)1.91M7,970.0020.0220.1220
ProShares UltraShrt...EEV11.76-0.24 (-2.00%)188.79M2.75M11.8312.0211.7

ZD feels we can be in for some fun market volatility which is a chance to day trade like crazy on some of these ETFs. Today was a mild day, but I'll start posting some REAL PICKS FOR THE DAY if the "Rainman -- 10 Minutes to Wapner" feeling kicks-in and then we can track my record. It's a little harder to do these days, because so much stimulus money is being printed and dumped into the system it is artificially propping up the entire market -- AND, you have to factor that in. But my concern is it WILL come crashing down. Just a matter of this week, next month or sometime in 2010. And when it crashes, it's too late then.

So ZD is on Wall Street Alert and will be monitoring the situation. You can do the same with the tools I'm posting. Which includes this list of stocks you can use to monitor everything and my new Twitter page "wallstwatch" that you can link to at