Wednesday, March 31, 2010

MASSIVE Zuma Dogg TWITTER Update: Had to Drag Bill Clinton, Ron Burkle, Antonio Villaraiogsa, Jan Perry & CarmenTrutanich Into It: NEW & EXCLUSIVE

  • KCET & KCRW have pledge drives. PayPal @ZumaDogg $5 bucks, right now, to keep the video-tweeting-blogging machine ON! Will pop in with another new LIVE show update (for Thursday, hopefully) when I hit $20 mark for next 24 hours. (Hope to see you sooner than never.)
  1. COUNCIL: Did you ENJOY filming your segments for KNBC4 News INVESTIGATION on yours and Villar's shady, luxury trips? ZD enjoyed filming his!
  3. L.A. DEPT OF JUSTICE INVESTIGATION INTO PUBLIC PENSION FUNDS: Burkle gave Wetherly's Weinstein seed money. Wetherly gave Burkle $100+ million in pension money. Villar appoints Wetherly's long-time attorney W. Jackson to HEAD of CRA. BILLIONS LOST IN SHADY, OVERLY-RISKY LLC's. Burkle/Clintons/Villaraigosa/Pension Funds/CRA.
  4. WHEN RON BURKLE got SUCKERED by a 21 yr old con-man for $100 million, the REAL crime was Ron let it happen right under his coke nose. LOL!
  5. RON BURKLE'S partner promised to donate $50 MILLION to Bill Clinton's non-profit. Turns out partner was con-man who sucker Ron for $100 mil.
  6. ZUMA DOGG sides w BILL CLINTON in CLINTON vs BURKLE beef. Burkle=out of control jerk who would spend a $1 mil from pension fund to get laid.
  7. Hey BILL CLINTON: You should call @ZumaDogg and I can tell you some of the ways that A-HOLE Ron Burkle squandered money like a meth-head.
  8. @ZumaDogg happens to have some personal inside MALIBU knowledge as to what a crazy, jet-set spender RON BURKLE is. TOTALLY IRRESPONSIBLE!
  9. @ZumaDogg sides w BILL CLINTON in CLINTON vs RON BURKLE beef. Both say they stiffed each other, but ZD says Burkle is irresponsible child.
  10. YOU'VE HEARD OF L.A.'s PENSION-BUSTERS, WETHERLY CAPTIAL. Did you know RON BURKLE gave Dan Weinstein the seed money. It starts there...
  11. CAN'T WAIT FOR RADIO HOSTS TO READ THE L.A. TIMES ARTICLE SOMEDAY: Residents got burnt by subprime. Guess who will be burnt by credit swaps?
  12. @EricGarcetti looks like a sad and devastated child who just found out Santa Claus isn't real, now that his L.A. dream is O-V-E-R! MED TIME?
  13. MEGA-KUDOS to ZD PAL, DANIEL GUSS on today's Daily News article!!!: Didn't the Ed Boks fiasco teach the mayor anything?
  14. WENDY: Do you think YOUR district would've allowed all those luxury condos to go BANKRUPT w/out a peep the way Jan Perry is getting a pass?
  15. A WHOLE LOT OF MONEY & SHENANIGANS went into those Downtown LUXURY CONDOS like 9th&Flower/Union Lofts. NOW BANKRUPT in FEDERAL RECEIVERSHIP?
  16. PEOPLE DON'T CARE ABOUT DOWNTOWN CORRUPTION: How could ALL THOSE Jan Perry LUXURY CONDOS be in FEDERAL receivership & ZERO news coverage?
  17. SO SCREWED: After 4 years of ZD BLASTING shady REAP inspection program, ZD's fly-on-wall tells me City Hall about to be CRUSHED by lawsuit.
  18. Hey Herb Wesson, Eric Garcetti & News Media: If you'd like to know WHY H-U-G-E lawsuit will be filed MONDAY about REAP, call ZD for info.
  19. Ha Ha HERB WESSON, ERIC GARCETTI & L.A. Shitty Clowncil: @ZumaDogg WARNED you ON-RECORD about shady REAP inspections. Deal w/lawsuit Monday!
  20. ZD WARNED YOU City Clowncil about REAP racketeering. NOW, you can deal with HUGE LAWSUIT to be filed on MONDAY! Details someday in LA Times.
  21. The reason Villar took "vacation" to Iceland is interesting $ story. But if I tell U, U won't care til Kevin James reads it out of LA Times.
  22. The day may come when LA Times reports on why Villaraigosa took "vacation" to Iceland. THEN, other blogs & radio hosts can talk about it.
  23. Why doesn't L.A. Mayor Antonio Villaraiogsa come clean and tell us the REAL reason he went to Iceland. VACATION??? ICELAND??? Yeah, right!
  24. Although illegal 30 meeting ZD ban allows for more of an active "rec & park" lifestyle, NO, I DID NOT sign up at Gold's Gym. Z-30 is better!
  25. I HAVE TO TURN OFF THE CITY COUNCIL MEETING...Janice Hahn is there and she REFUSES to shut the fuck up. She and her voice is INSUFFERABLE!
  26. You can just SEE that Eric Garpussy is just DEVASTATED by this municipal budget mess that he is largely responsible for. Is he on MEDS, now?
  27. JANICE HAHN is too dumb and nutty for the good of public safety. NO WONDER CALIFORNIA TEACHERS now endorsing GAVIN NEWSOM for LT GOV.
  28. Just heard Rec & Parks guy say he feels economy & revenues will be picking up over next 2-3 yrs. NOT interested in parks guy BUDGET opinion.
  29. RT @trinaunz: @zumadogg thanks for the shoutout for (cao) ray - as someone who works for him, i can attest to what you said - he *is* great.
  30. NUCH: I'm so miffed that dysfunctional office can't return ONE PHONE CALL about ILLEGAL ZD ban, I registered ;-)
  31. SORRY CITY ATTORNEY: I know your dysfunctional office is barely operable, but you didn't return my call, so now you can deal with paperwork!
  32. TIMES UP CITY ATTORNEY: Since Nuch's office couldn't reply to my phone call about illegal ZD ban, outside firm now handling Pub Rec Request.
  33. When I told the public records request specialist that I was banned from council meeting, he now feels like making PRR on banning speakers.
  34. Bad news for city council: That public records request specialist who you love so much just called ZD to see why he hasn't been at meetings.
  35. When L.A. Dept of Justice says probing public pension funds "such as" CALpers, "such as" could also mean LACERS, y'all! Hello, City Hall!
  36. I could easily tweet today what BIG budget issue will pop up that will be FINAL BLOW to city, but you wanna wait till newspaper says it 1st.
  37. Can't wait for other bloggers, news & radio to start talking about the NEXT BUDGET CRISIS that woke ZD up at 4a. ZD will link to it, then.
  38. Can't handle frustration of blogging NEXT HUGE CITY CRISIS, only to have to wait 6 months to hear others discuss it, so I'm not going to.
  39. I could EASILY blog next HUGE budget crisis (beyond pensions) that will END it for city, but u like to wait until newspaper says it, first.
  40. If you want to know the DEVASTATING, MUNICIPAL-CRUSHING budget shoe yet to drop (not pension), news & radio will cover it after-the-fact.
  41. JUST WHEN YOU THOUGHT it couldn't get ANY WORSE, a big dangling budget shoe is still un-discussed. Once LA Times reports it, you'll know.
  42. QUALITY & PRODUCTIVITY NOT EXACTLY HIS BAG: Trutanich's City Attorney's Office not able to accomplish much these days. Kinda chaotic mess.
  43. CITY ATTORNEY NUCH may be a BIG TALKER when it comes to improving city attorney's office, but not much he can do. Office falling apart!
  44. MONDAY MARCH 30, 2010: Today's LA City News UPDATE now posted at
  45. People keep complaining DWP rate increase will go to GENERAL FUND, not for green stuff. I'D PREFER IT GOES TO GEN FUND than DWP nuttiness!
  46. DO NOT BE BAMBOOZLED by FAKE "LA DAILY" BLOG: There is only one LA DAILY BLOG - LA Weekly now uses "LA DAILY," too. LOL!
  47. "Charter Mandated Function": City needs new Charter Amendment saying Council can cut some "Charter Mandates" city can no longer afford.
  48. FRICKIN' GREAT: New CAO Miguel Santana finally up to speed & working with Council, is now on leave going to rehab. Luckily, Ray is great.
  49. Zuma Dogg Evening Update for 3/30/10 - TWITTER UPDATE Lends Glimpse Into Mind of ZD (Read At Own Risk!)