Here's a comment that popped up on the comment section of the "Reyes Screwes The Community at Las Villas" thread. From time to time I like to pull comments and bump them up to a main thread.
Dear Councilman Reyes:
You as a parent want the best for each one of your children. You want them to have a good school, great teachers, and positive experiences. You want them to be successful in life, to have the best of what life can offer. You and I are no different, I want the same for my children and many parents out there want the same for their children.
When you took the Oath as Councilman it was to serve all the community, not the special interests groups. We as the community have to hold you accountable to that OATH. We are the parents of those children that will be affected by the Arcade and the Liquor License. We the parents are the voice of our children. YOU AS OUR COUNCILMAN MUST STAND UP AND HELP US PROTECT OUR CHILDREN IT IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY.
Your job is not easy, but you made the choice to be councilman. And one of your responsibilities is to stand with the people specially the CHILDREN and protect their RIGHTS.