HAVE YOU HEARD ABOUT THE LATEST $20 MILLION LAWSUIT TO HIT THE CITY?: Man, if the Mayor doesn't stop running City Hall like his own little dictatorship, failing to realize there are city, state and federal laws, the City is gonna go broke defending itself. No wonder he was so desperate to have Prop S pass. He needs the money to defend and pay out all of these lawsuits because he keeps underestimating the will of the people to fight for their rights as established by the city charter.
So what is this $20 MILLION lawsuit filed against Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa's City Hall? MORE TO COME...make sure you register for a subscription to LA DAILY BLOG.com so you will receive the story when it is all typed up.
SPEAKING OF CITY HALL VIOLATING THE CITY CHARTER, STATE AND FEDERAL LAW: Don't think that just because the Mayor of Los Angeles has decided to give himself the authority to start his own Charter School mini-district, DOES NOT MEAN THAT IT IS LEGAL. As a matter of fact, I just spoke with an attorney who reminded me that Villaraigosa's continual pursuit to operate State schools is a violation of the City Charter. It would take City Council to get him to stop, but they are a bunch of neutered pussies. (None of the 15 coffer-riders have the pride or personal dignity to stand up to him on this.) Or, perhaps it will take another lawsuit to get him to stop. The only way to stop the mayor from violating the law is to sue him in court. Otherwise, he'll just move ahead and hope he isn't challenged. But I think the City is finding that more and more people are standing up to the mayor in the only place he seems to get the message: IN SUPERIOR COURT.
PROP R UPDATE: Speaking of Superior Court...Prop R is in appeals court and many a shady politician in that toxic karma Council Chamber are sitting on pins and needles waiting for a decision. Because their next political move will be based on whether they get to run for office another four years. (I thought it was a term "limit", not "extension"?) Vegas odds say DO NOT BET AGAINST PROP R BEING OVERTURNED!
CITY COUNCIL CALLS IT "DENSITY BONUS"...ZUMA DOGG CALLS IT "DENSITY BONE-US": So wrong. In case you didn't hear; Los Angeles Shitty Council approved a density bonus that allows Council, the Mayor and their developer contributors to increase the density of their construction projects in exchange for what they are billing as an affordable housing incentive. Only thing, first you are losing the affordable when you tear down the three story building for a ten story building...as in net loss!!! So basically, you have another classic City Council "bait and switch", where they take a warm and fuzzy carrot (more affordable housing) in exchange for a much bigger and more profitable project. So it's not about helping to address the affordable housing issue in a real or meaningful way. It's about circumventing the wishes of the community that went into these zoning and planning decisions that you are stepping all over. And even if you are for the end of affordable housing...I hope you are not happy that they are using this net loss carrot in the name of added density and profits against the community will. (Is that democracy? I think there are other words for it, actually. But none of them are found in the U.S. Constitution.
Click here for summary highlights of previous LA Daily Blog posts by Zuma Dogg.