Thursday, April 17, 2008

CM Jose Huizar Starring In "24"...That's how many minutes he wouldn't shut up for public comment

Don't Hold His Time

Councilmember Jose Huizar must not have been paying attention to all the people complaining that Council doesn't pay attention.

Last week, Kevin James and Jamiel Shaw, Sr. commented publicly that they were surprised at Councils' lack of attentiveness and rudeness (not paying attention and talking during other people's public comment.)

The situation was so bad this week, that even Zuma Dogg could not hear his own voice over CM Tom LaBong and stormed out of Chambers with the clock still ticking, since he couldn't even articulate a thought with all the noise. [Zuma Dogg walking away with the clock still ticking is like a Councilmember walking away from a developer contribution.]

And it was still a problem the next day, during Wednesday's meeting. ZD still distracted, having to stop for people to quiet down before reading a letter from Jamiel Shaw, Sr. (Even after Council President Eric Garcetti made an announcement to chambers in advance that a letter from the Shaw family was about to be read.]

Matt Dowd also commented that he couldn't hear himself cause of some asshole who was talking the whole time, just chatting away.

When we went back and watch the playback of the meeting, we noticed it was none other than Zuma Dogg's honorary "docato", Councishmember Jose Huizar. Huizar, for some reason, was sitting in the bleachers talking to some chick for 24 minutes.

HUIZAR! What's wrong with you bro. Look at this video! You didn't shut up for half a second. You're waving your hands around...having a big old pow-wow on our side of the rope. AND YOU WERE THE ONE DISTRACTING ZD & DOWD DURING PUBLIC COMMENT YOU WEASLESY DOUCHEBAG!

I just said to you minutes earlier, "Hey Jose...I'm glad some of these other CMs are messing up so bad, to take the heat off of you." (Cause it always seems like ZD is hittin' up Huizar. It's all based on community feedback. CD 14 is a political hotbed. I'm not waking up trying to think of things to hammer Huizar on. And I'm sure glad Las Villas wasn't in his district. And I'm glad Garshady and LaBong were the ones runnin' their trap in my YouTube videos from last week.

But then you go and do THIS? So "warm and fuzzy hour" is over, bro. Do me a favor...stick to screwing the people in your own district. Not the rest of the City during their public comment.

Huizar even speaks constantly, waving his hands around, during the Police Protective Leauge's speech during CM Dennis Zine's resolution to Governor Schwarzenegger over a police safety issue. (See video!)

Finally Garcetti has Huizar's staffer pull him off-camera. Yeah, Jose...there are cameras in the room. Ooops...their bad! And thanks to the TV 35 crew for setting us up for this layup.

Jose Huizar Chit-Chat Social In People's Bleachers For 24 minutes