Thursday, April 17, 2008

Zuma Dogg Meets Walter Wilmer Over Jamiel's Law Discussion

Zuma Dogg was on the phone doing some research about Jamiel's Law vs City Council's motion to amend S.O. 40. Upon hanging up, I realized it was a pretty deep and intense conversation for anyone to be overhearing at Starbuck's at 9 am; so I turned to see if anyone was within earshot. (Not that there was anything confidential being discussed...but it sure must have been an earful.)

I saw a guy sitting at the next table and said, "Oh Sorry...hope you didn't have to hear all of that." The guy (Walter Wilmer) said, "That's o.k., that's an important issue to me." (So he knew all about Jamiel Shaw.)

Walter told me he is a football coach at a local high school and pulled out a picture of his son, on the field in uniform. And he told me how important this issue is to him -- and you can see why.

He then started telling me how he uses the time on the football field to try and instill the formula he uses with his own son into the other kids, many of whom don't have a father at home to teach them how to advance in society; and noted that many fathers (and mothers) are un-educated (drop-outs) themselves and don't have the know-how to pass on the skills to their kids.

We all know the importance of this. And when you say, "You can't arrest your way out of it", what you are saying is that you have to implement Walter's philosophy.

As many readers know, Zuma Dogg has spent a lot of time meeting many people in the City over the past two years at City Hall and within the community; and I am here to tell you, this guy Walter Wilmer schooled Zuma Dogg with the most inspiring, perfectly delivered, leadership speech that the whole City needs to hear. He even made me appreciate the value of team sports (when usually I complain that kids in Asia are learning their math and science while U.S. kids are throwing a ball.)

Walter also mentioned that the kids like to try and please the coach so it give them something to strive for, and keeps the interested in school, cause the goal is to try and play for a college team.

I invited Walter to come down to City Hall to deliver a public comment (to try and say some of the things he said to ZD, to the the rest of the City. Here's a preview, cause ZD was so inspired meeting Mr. Wilmer, I had to grab my camera for a segment.

Zuma Dogg Presentation & Proclamations: Walter Wilmer