Monday, April 28, 2008

L.A. City Clowncil Loses Quorum And Doesn't Finish City Business (After Hours of "Dog & Pony Show" Paid Presentations)

No wonder Los Angeles City Council has become laughing stock fodder for not only local radio talk show hosts, but now even national cable talk show hosts like Bill O'Reilly have jumped on board with comments like, "A confused City Council".

But this really takes the cake: Everyone knows that City Council makes the public endure hours of paid presentations under the guise of "Presentations and Proclamations."

A couple weeks ago CM Wendy Greuel admitted, "today we are getting paid to say nice things about you..."

Well on Friday April 25, 2008 it wasn't the first time Council lost a quorum after hours of their paid "Dog and Pony Shows" (whatever THEY wanna call 'em)...but tell that to the people who showed up for public comment on agenda items affecting their community.


For example, Item 40 was about a zoning variance that Council was to most likely approve that would allow a factory to be built behind a neighborhood of homes. (Yes, right in their backyard, so to speak.)

Well a group of women from the community showed up twice already, but the item was continued both times, so this was their third trip to Shitty Hall. (They had to take the day off, and travel Downtown...only to be told to come back for the third time.)

So they came back on Friday for the 10am Council meeting. General Public comment didn't start until 1PM. And Item 40 was after that, and some other long items before it. So finally after about a four hour wait -- the women are called for public comment on their item.

Only thing, Garcetti announces after they are done, that they have lost a quorum and the item would be continued until Tuesday.

Garcetti may have left them feeling all warm and fuzzy that they had their public comment, but here are two things to consider:

a) If there wasn't a quorum, there weren't the legally required number of Councilmembers on hand to hear the comments.

b) No quorum means not a legally binding meeting and so the comments were not officially on the record. Without being on the record, you cannot take legal action later. (No recourse without showing up to the public hearing first.)

But those women probably won't be back for the actual Item on Tuesday and they won't be on the record, and will have no legal recourse unless ZD shows up to put down a PC for the record.

Plus other agenda items were left on the table...but worst of all...Zuma Dogg did not get his full daily allotment of public comment time. And now when the Items are continued on Tuesday, I bet Garshady will not give me additional time to finish public comment on Friday's items. In other words, I bet those shady corrupt laughing stocks of the nation will make me use Tuesday's time for Friday's items. (Then I can't speak on new items for Tuesday.) We'll see.

(Not only were agenda items left on the table, so was ZD's public comment time.)