Sunday, April 27, 2008

VIDEOS: Zuma Dogg at City Hall -- Massive YouTube Postings

This past week Zuma Dogg captured California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger and Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraiogsa with the "ZumaCam".

Plus, the ZumaCam was on "record" mode when things caught my attention during the past eight (8) consecutive City Council meetings. (Some good stuff of Jackass Weiss being a Jackass.)

MUCH MORE TO COME...including all the stuff from Friday's Council meeting. And I took a lot of good still shots of Councilmembers for upcoming blog posts. I'll post the "Wall of Shame" soon. (All the CM still shots.)

Here's some exclusive video from the City Hall restroom on Water Conservation

More video jibber-jabber ("B" material) from the ZumaCam posted, so far. Click Here for Zuma Times YouTube Page

[Warning: Contains shady and corrupt images of human beings at their worst.]