Wednesday, April 23, 2008

L.A. Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa Responds To Zuma Dogg's Public Demand For Response on Special Order 40

Thank you to Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Douchearaigosa for quickly responding to Zuma Dogg's public demand to have the fledgling mayor provide a response to a recent City Council motion and related public outcry over Jamiel's Law.

On City TV 35 yesterday, Zuma said, "The radio talk show hosts want the mayor to overturn Special Order 40? I'll settle for the mayor stating an opinion." Then I challenged the mayor on TV 35 to state an opinion on City Council's motion and Jamiel's Law.

Welp, looks like the public pressure worked and the mayor was forced to respond. Later that evening, I heard during the "top of the hour" radio news, Mayor Anotnio Villaraiogsa say that Special Order 40 does not need any revision and supports keeping it, as is.

So it's the beginning of the end for L.A. Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa. Someone from the mayor's office told Zuma Times that I could freely publish the fact that if the Villaraigosa is forced to come out AGAINST the Council motion to revise Special Order 40...there would be HUGE political backlash.

And now the mayor is already saying revisions are not needed. And I would like to add that it is a fallacy and nothing more than weak propaganda spin to say that Villaraigosa (and his City Council aligned political extremists) represents the community he hides behind (while he breaks every promise and throws the community under the bus). These people want their streets safer, too. And Villar made a whole bunch of promises to these people to get elected...but he broke every one of them -- and slammed his door in their faces.

So not only did the big money turn on did the people at the community level who campaigned for him and helped get him elected. Well now, all those people will now be voting for "Anyone Buy Antonio". (Maybe a lot of them will vote for Zuma Dogg.)

Adios Antonio...the kryptonite has been pulled out. And you are sitting on the wrong side of the fence on this one.