Thursday, April 24, 2008

Zuma Dogg Update for Thursday (4/24/08)...We'll Be Right Back, After This With Video of Mayor Antonio on the ZumaCam!

You may have noticed ZD's number of blog posts are down since my return to Los Angeles two weeks ago. It's all about the Ying and the Yang, y'all.

While sitting in a room in a house in Ohio 18 hours a day, allowed me to become a virtual newswire...I wasn't out and about in the community.

Now I'm back, and just attended six (6) consecutive council meetings. So the commute and time spent at the meeting alone knocks my blog posts down, right there.

Plus, walking around Venice...karaoke apperances...hanging out in Malibu and bumping into Arnold Scwarzengger all takes time away. But it's worth it.

Cause being back in town and walking the streets around City Hall and elsewhere has been very rewarding as people provide me with the latest fraud, waste and abuse.

People from Planning, ITA, CMs Offices and other city workers have stopped ZD to let me know I am on the right track on an issue. Plus the people showing up for public comment at City Hall is always a real earful of fraud, waste and abuse.

BOTTOM LINE: I feel like the material is backing up...especially the video. So after a whirlwind two weeks. I gotta chill today, and try and get all this video posted and catch up on the stories people are waiting to see.

Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa Gives Shout Out on ZumaCam.
(Nothing major, but ZD and Antonio share a lighthearted moment at our press conference at City Hall, yesterday.)

Meanwhile, now is a good time to get caught up on all the recent audio and video if you haven't checked in for a few days.