Monday, April 21, 2008

VIDEO: Governor Girlie Man (Arnold Schwarzenegger) Is Too Scared To Look At Zuma Dogg

How fitting that Zuma Dogg bumped into former B-movie actor and current Girlie Gov Arnold Schwarzenegger at a local pet store. Since Arnold deserves to be in the dog house based on the fact that he recently increased health care spending for California prison inmates, while cutting money State education dollars for schools including LAUSD. (That noodle-armed sissy! He's nothing like the heroes that he so poorly portrayed in the movies.)

Zuma tried to warm him up with a, "It's Zuma Dogg...have you seen my blogging." To at least get him to say, "yes" or "no" -- then was gonna aks him for a warm and fuzzy message for the kids at LAUSD.

But it seems like the answer to my question may have been, "yes", that he HAS seen my blogging (about his wine and cheese buddy Fabian "Knucklehead" Nunez and the noodle arm (and brain) Gov, himself. Because although he was taking to people on cell phones that others handed him and walking among the crowd, he was too scared to look at ZD with any response -- and you can see he purposefully keeps his noodle-neck turned away from me and my camera. (He was too scared to look...he knew if I aksed a basic question, it would trip him up, cause he's not too smart.)

Meanwhile, on the way out (off camera, unfortunately), I said to the public disappointment of a governor..."Tell Fabian 'Zuma Dogg' says he wants him to buy me some of that expensive wine and cheese."

And finally, listen for the passer-by who gives a shout-out to the bigger of the two on-camera personalities.