Thursday, May 22, 2008

Jamiel's Law Update Thread

Thanks to Mr. Shaw for sending over this "Newsletter" about Jamiel's Law:

By Walter Moore, Candidate for Mayor of Los Angeles,

The Shaw family has asked me to send out the following announcement:


According to a Lieutenant at the Los Angeles County Sheriff Department, 1,000 men are being released back into our communities every day! No one is checking the immigration status of these 1,000 men. NOT the Los Angeles County Sheriff Department and NOT the Los Angeles Police Department.

Please join with The Shaw Family and Concerned Citizens in the Communities, at the Board of Supervisors during General Comments on, May 27, 2008 at 1:00 pm. Let's meet together in front of The Kenneth Hahn Hall of Administration Building at 12:30 pm.

Our focus will be on the 1,000 men being released into our communities each day and why the Board of Supervisors should support Jamiel's Law!

The Kenneth Hahn Hall of Administration Building, 500 W. Temple Street (The Corner of Temple & Grand), Los Angeles, CA 90012.

City Requires Spanish Version Of Jamiel’s Law Petition

Get this: before we can start circulating the Jamiel’s Law petition initiative for signatures, we must translate it into Spanish. I got the official notification yesterday.

Can you imagine that kind of thing happening anywhere else in the world? Do you think the Russians require election materials be printed in Chinese? Or the French mandate German-language ballots? Criminy. [ZD: Send your emails to Walter on this comment.]

But translate it we will. I guesstimate the petitions should be ready to roll by mid-June. Of course I’ll let you know as soon as they are ready.

And here’s some good news: you will be able to download the petition forms from the website. However, only people who reside in the City of L.A. can collect signatures, and only registered voters who reside in the City of L.A. can sign the petition.

Finally, FYI, the City Attorney’s office came up with the following official ballot title and summary, which we will add to the draft petition when we re-submit it:


The proposed ordinance provides that neither the Mayor, Chief of Police nor any other City employee shall prohibit or inhibit Los Angeles Police Department officers from investigating possible violations of immigration laws by gang members. The proposed ordinance also requires the City to develop and implement a plan for the Los Angeles Police Department, in cooperation with other government officials, to identify, arrest, deport and/or prosecute and imprison gang members who are in the country illegally. The proposed ordinance also requires the Mayor to provide the City Council and public with quarterly reports on the City's efforts to implement this proposed ordinance.

[Zuma Dogg: I still say the City Council motion goes much further as is much more ready to go. NOT JUST A CALL TO DEVELOP A PLAN. An to the critics of the City Council motion, as a motion, it can be changed/amended, but it really addresses the concern. I don't know why radio talk show hosts are so opposed to it? But I also support putting something on the ballot. But again, Jamiel's Law, as written, doesn't say what to do...the City Council motion DOES. AND FOR ZD TO FEEL COUNCIL'S MOTION IS BETTER, WHEN I AM THE MOST OUTSPOKEN CITY COUNCIL CRITIC IN THE CITY, SHOULD MAKE SOME PEOPLE TAKE PAUSE TO LOOK AT BOTH (Council's motion vs Jamiel's Law) WITHOUT LOOKING AT WHO WROTE WHICH ONE. (I've already done blog posts on this where both are printed, so you can read it for yourself. Do a search on this blog.)]

So again, although I think the Council motion is better, they are sitting on it I support putting this on the ballot. Even though some of the people who are supporting it are turning me off. And I'm posting this cause Mr. Shaw drew me into this issue. Not the talk show hosts.