Thursday, June 26, 2008

Los Angeles Mayoral Hopeful "Zuma Dogg" Attacked by FOX 11 NEWS Cameraman on LIVE TV!!! (AND Zuma Dogg 48 Hour Update)

Just checked my email for the first time in a while. Thanks to the folks who sent me emails and left me voice mails. Some folks were looking for signs of life of Zuma Dogg. I somehow mysteriously end up being able to show up at City Hall for "one more meeting" but ZD quickly turns into a pumpkin between council meetings. Still no cell phone charger, gas is tight and not really sleeping more than five hours a day, EVER. And it all compounds, each day. BUT AGAIN...ONE THING I'VE BEEN ABLE TO DO IS MAGICALLY AND MIRACULOUSLY END UP IN THOSE STUPID COUNCIL CHAMBERS FOR THE MEETING (AND THEN SOME. See story below) So forgive the choppy copy editing. Here's a quick summary of what I've encountered over the past 48 hours at City Hall and Malibu.

Here is the most recent sign of ZD from last night in the 10pm hour as seen on FOX 11 NEWS:

ZUMA DOGG ATTACKED BY FOX 11 TV CAMERAMAN: Looks like FOX 11 News will be hiring for a new field camera operator after last night's 10 PM on-air debacle in Malibu, California where Los Angeles mayoral hopeful, Zuma Dogg was dragged by his Zuma Dogg shirt and thrown into a chain link fence by the cameraman -- even though the beloved public advocate was merely standing on the public street observing (first amendment right to assemble and gather). In case you weren't tuned in for the on-air attack, during the 10 PM hour, last night in Malibu, Zuma Dogg noticed a news reporter and camera set up on the public sidewalk. ZD approaced the news van to aks what story they were covering. The news puppet told me it was about the surfer/paparazzi issue. Shortly thereafter, Zuma Dogg needed to pass along the sidewalk where the crew happened to be set up. So I walked around the camera tripod to aviod bumping into it; and I stopped for a second to hear what the reporter was saying. Well I guess my head was in the shot. INSTEAD OF THE CAMERAMAN WAVING ME OUT OF THE SHOT, OR AKSING ME TO GET OUT OF THE WAY...THE CAMERAMAN RUNS UP TO ME; GRABS MY SHIRT BY THE SLEEVE; AND PUSHES ME INTO A CHAIN LINK FENCE. (Now I need to get a tetinous shot!!! AND...when my head whipped around, I think it pinched a nerve in my neck.) They cut away (I'm not sure if they were still live when this battery occured -- I think some of it may have made it on the air.) Then the empty-headed news reporter turns to ZD and starts screaming in a threating way, "Get the f*ck out of here" as he started to move toward me. I said, "It's a public sidewalk!" He replied, "NOT BEHIND ME." Zuma Dogg, who obviously had to fill this empty-headed news puppet's head with some facts (since he didn't know many of them based on the disussion we had earlier about L.A. City Councilmembers) and let that fool know that, "It's called the first amendment and it includes the area behind you. AND YOU DON'T HAVE A PERMIT! Hope the cameraman doesn't end up in jail over this, but I do hope he is re-assigned to a position where he cannot violently attack members of the public on public streets. (Click here for FOX 11 NEWS video)

WHEN ALARCON ATTACKS: Oh man, I wish y'all could have been at the Energy and Environment Committee Meeting on Tuesday when Richard alacCON launched into an explosive ZD-like attack-rant on DWP's David Nahai and Nick Pastorous. Here's what happened: You may have heard that DWP has some major, major problems. Things like old, outdate infrastructure and not enough workers to make the improvements -- even if they DID have enough money to get the job started. Plus, all the concerns of fraud, waste and abuse. And concerns that all the added density housing the city continues to approve, at the same time the Sierra snow cap will be providing LESS water, will cause severe water shortages. HOWEVER, Richard alarcon clearly lost his temper and eventually stormed out of the room over what he considers to be a "TOP PRIORITY!!!...The "Low Income Oversight Committee". Apparently, alarCON feels an oversight committee is the "TOP PRIORITY" that would cause him to launch into a shouting-fest aimed mostly at Nahai (even though it was Pastorus' confirmation hearing.) AND YOU KNOW RICHARD!!! When he loses his temper he starts playing fast and loose with the truth, and he may accuse you of saying things that you did not say, or twist words; which resulted in Nahia having to serve a cool, collected and rational bitch-slap back over the net to the wacky-extremist. BUT THE TRUE COMEDY HEAT (and the point I realized alarCON isn't dealing with a full deck) is when he ups his level of shouting and yells out, "I'M SICK AND TIRED OF THE POOR PAYING FOR THE RICH!!!" (LMFAO!!!)

I wish all of y'all could have seen CMs Wendy Greuel and Eric Garcetti during Con's gasket blowing. They leaned back in their seats and looked looked in shock, horror and disbelief during Richard's possible temporary loss of sanity. (But I'm sure they were as amused as the rest of the people in the room.)

Luckily, the moment alarCON stormed out of the public meeting, the microphone was handed over to Zuma Dogg where I had a chance to clarify the situation for Pastorous and Nahai. (Imagine the conference table with Nahai, Pastorous and Dogg seated in a row. So I turn to Nick and David and say, "What Senator ALARcon is trying to say is that he wants you to figure out a way to have the middle-class pick up the tab. Don't mind him, he's just an extreme socialist wacko who only represents a niched segment of society." (While certain people who should not have been nodding their head in seeming affirmation ZD's comments were nodding their heads in seeming affirmation of ZD's comments. (I THINK SOME FOLKS IN THE ROOM WERE GLAD I MENTIONED IT.)

START SAVING YOUR MONEY FOR DWP RATE INCREASES: Although the politicians are saying your DWP rate increase will be 3%, each year, over the next three years (9% over three years), Zuma Dogg has learned (by doing the math) that it will actually be a 30%-50% increase over three years...with a distinct possibilty it will be even more than that. (Zuma Dogg says a doubling of water rates over three years is not at all out of the question.) The 30% (to 50%) figure will be the amount that DWP will be passing along to customers for increases in costs that DWP will encounter. For example, DWP will have to pay more for water, themselves from the Municpal Water Deparment. But that figure does not factor in things like "water shortages caused by all the high-density housing being constructed at the same time the Sierrra snow pack will be coming up short, as in "shortage". (THE GOVERNOR OF CALIFORNIA HAS DECLARED THE SITUATION A CRISIS!!!) Additionally, the recent rate increase that will be used to fund infrastructure upgrades will not be nearly enough to get the job done. ZD ran this scenario past DWP's Nick Pastorous and his response was, "I agree." And when I responded with a shocked, "Really?!?!" (Cause I am so used to these people denying that the sky is blue, I was taken aback by a complete across the board agreement. But Nick ain't living in denial. And he's smart enough not to deny it now, only to have ZD serve it back in their face this time next year. So at the same time gas prices are putting the smack-down on society...water is gonna be a double whammy!!! (Can you imagine when the price of water doubles in three years, if not two years?!?!?!)

Zuma Dogg has been told by a City Hall insider that it doesn't look like the City Union workers will be getting that 25% raise, after all.
Here's how the mayor's shell game works: First of all, all the big part of the raise is on the "back end" of the contract in the final year. HOWEVER, Zuma Times has learned there is a clause that if the city does not hit certain planned revenue levels, the City doesn't have to pay up the full amount and can re-negotiate the contract. (Whomp, whomp, whomp, whomp....(deflated)...Whoooooomp.) AND EVERYONE AGREES THERE IS NO WAY THE CITY WILL BE HITTING THOSE EXPECTED REVENUE PROJECTIONS!

AH HA!!! Maybe THAT's why the mayor cried, "Boo, hoo, hoo...I didn't know the City would be facing this economic crisis when we gave the unions the raise." (Even though the CAO sent Villar repeated memos warning him of the pending economic crisis due to sub-prime foreclosures.) SO ZD THOUGHT THE MAYOR WAS PRETENDING TO BE AN IDIOT BECAUSE HE WAS TRYING TO MAKE AN EXCUSE FOR GIVING THE RAISE IN THE FACE OF AN ECONOMIC EMERGENCY. (And YES, he DID declare a financial emergency.) But looks like he gave us the Mr. Magoo routine to sucker the labor union into thinking he didn't know that they city wouldn't be anywhere NEAR the revenue figures that the 25% raises are based upon. AND IF ZUMA DOGG WAS TOLD THIS BY ONE OF THE UNION WORKERS, YOU HAVE TO WONDER WHY THE UNION NEGOTIATORS WOULD HAVE TAKEN THIS DEAL??? Maybe they thought Miriam and everyone else would never find out. But they did! So then who you gonna call??? (One hint: Big ZD from the 213!)

Thank you to the Councilmember who thanked Zuma Dogg for his blasting of CM Jackass Weiss for his continued absence from the Council meetings and the added pressure it puts on the rest of the City Council which has caused them to lose two consecutive quorums and he wasn't there for the first part of the Council meeting again on Wednesday -- AND AGAIN...there was talk that Council would lose the quorum again. SO FOR PUBLIC COMMENT AGAIN ON WEDNESDAY, ZD blasted Jackass for once again not being there aksing, "What will it take to have Jack Weiss attend one of these Council meetings?" (It was a good ZD scroning!) The meeting didn't start until 10:40. And although Garcetti says that Weiss was and excused absense, he forgets to factor in that Weiss is ALWAYS being excused -- so it puts stress on the rest of the team (councilmembers). MEANWHILE, at least ONE CM attributed Weiss' sudden appearance in Chambers to ZD's public scorning of the un-beloved Jackass. I said, " think this is a reaction to my public comments?" The CM shrugged their shoulders and said, "Hey, you put a lot of pressure on him and here he is all of the sudden. That's just MY opinion." (The CM's opinion. And who is ZD to deny them their public comment to ZD.)

So...YEAH, a triumphant victory, whether it is the actual cause, or least one CM reports to ZD that they felt Weissass had his ass in his seat for one reason only....ZD started blasting Jack Weiss' absences on City TV 35. Remember, Jack Weiss is running for LA City when you see his name on the ballot -- VOTE FOR SOMEONE ELSE. (So far, ZD has met Carmen "NUCH" Trutancih for LA City Attorney and looks like HE will be the endorsed candidate against Weissass!)


MAYOR VILLARAIGOSA DELIVERS SPEECH AT MALIBU HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATION LAST WEEK (Thursday): Wasn't that the first day he got back from Israel after being away campaigning for the loser Democratic non-nominee Hillary (Zuma Dogg's ears can't take the shrill tone) Clinton? Well, if you pick up a copy of the Malibu Times, you can see Villar delivering a speech during the day at Malibu High School. The politically extremist Mayor of Los Angeles has a nephew who was graduating from Malibu High, so I think it was a good use of City time! (Malibu is not in the City of Los Angeles in case you didn't know. But if you are planning on running for Governor, this makes a lot more sense. (LOL...Doucharaigosa thinks he still has a chance for Governor. That national-extremist dream is gone, gone, gone!!! Especially when Zuma Dogg causes Villar to lose re-election. (I didn't say I was going to win...I said I would cause Douchearaigosa to lose! And that's the #1 goal here, pueblos! But if I put my name on the ballot, I probably would win. DO SOME MARKET RESEARCH IF YOU DISPUTE THIS!)

HOLLYWOOD STRIKE: I really hope those arrogant, over-inflated ego actors (Screen Actors Guild) don't strike and screw up the entire Los Angeles economy. Martin Sheen and all those rich Hollywood actors can afford a strike. Tell that to the caterers, parking attendant, wardrobe people, set builders, all the behind the scene workers. Even businesses like florists and a bunch of side-business take a hit. I heard some rich folks in Malibu complaining that they have not gotten re-hired after the recent writers strike. And I'm sure any Hollywood insider will tell you the industry has not bounced back. But writers are one thing. Actors are another. Actors are the most easily replaced people in Hollywood. It's all about the writing, then producing the product. For every actor out there, there is someone else Hollywood can pick out of the field and turn into a star. A bunch of actors can't launch a project in this town. A writer can though. And a producer can, though. VERY FEW ACTORS ARE IRREPLACEABLE. You may not be able to replace Jim Carrey, but the list gets pretty short after that. (Who do you think got luckier? The cast of Friends, or the producers who picked them? I think the show would have been just as big of a hit with other actors. It's all about the writing, directing and producing...THEN THE ACTING. So don't f*ck up the entire local and regional economy over you arrogance, you rich Hollywood actors. You can afford to go on strike. NO ONE ELSE IN THE CITY CAN...INCLUDING THE CITY!

ZUMA DOGG'S BIGGEST DAY OF ACTIVISM EVER: Tuesday was ZD's longest day as a public advocate. It started with an 8:30 AM committee meeting (Neighborhood and Education); 10:00 AM Council meeting; lunch with someone about DWP info; 2PM Energy and Environment Special Committee Meeting (where alarCON lost his temper); LAUSD school board meeting; and 7PM Lincoln Heights Planning Commission Meeting where 300-400 people showed up and the crowd burst out into cheers after ZD's public comment. (My hand hurts from shaking so many people's hand who wanted to introduce themselves to ZD and thank him for his "presentation" as one guy called it. (ENTIRE POST ABOUT LINCOLN HEIGHTS HILLSIDE DEVELOPMENT COMING NEXT!)

And thanks to everyone on the sidewalks, crosswalks, elevators, hallways, chambers, parking lots and everywhere else in the city who encroaches Zuma Dogg to tell him how much they enjoy his blogging/radio calls/TV 35 comments. AND ESPECIAL THANKS TO EVERYONE WHO WHISPERED THE STUFF IN MY EAR THAT GOES INTO IT ALL. (My favorite encounter this week was a guy in a suit and tie with a briefcase who approched me to say, "We will NEVER be on the same side of the issues, BUT.." (while he tipped me to something to check out that he shouldn't have been tipping me to. But sometimes even people on the other side of the issue are disgusted by what they see and hear -- and that's when ZD gets to meet them! Even though I am extremely uncomfortable physically due to my own financial circumstances, I have never been in better spirits or felt more blessed. Each day I become more stunned and flabbergasted at the degree LOVE on the streets for ZD. My mom was concerned for me yesterday, but I was able to say to her, "Don't worry...I feel like the most blessed human being in the world!" I know it sounds terribly delusional and narcissistic...but everyday I am greeted throughout the day with a wave of smiles from people happy to see ZD. And you can't put a price on that, y'all!!! Go ahead and spend your millions of dollars to achieve what ZD just accidentally achieved for free!!!

Hoooooooooody hooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!