Thursday, June 26, 2008

Zuma Dogg Attacked by FOX 11 NEWS Cameraman on LIVE TV

I will be filing a report with the Malibu Sherrif's Department as soon as I am done blogging this EMERGENCY CITIZEN'S ALERT: Be on the lookout for a violent cameraman for FOX 11 News who grabbed Zuma Dogg by the shirt and threw him against a chain link fence while I was walking on a public street!!! THOSE FOOLS AT FOX 11 BETTER GET A COPY OF THE FIRST AMENDMENT, REAL QUICK!!! Because when the beloved Los Angeles Mayoral hopeful announced to the FOX 11 News crew that, "It is a public street", the Ed "Empty Head News Puppet" Lasko replied, "Not behind me, it isn't." (LOL!) Anyway, there will be an opening for a new field cameraperson at Fox 11 news.

And here's part of the evidence. Please do not take any intrisnic comedy enjoyment out of this clip. It is for police investigation use only!!! Even though some people seem to think this is hilarious.

AND ZACH...NICE CATCH!!! (CLICK HERE FOR ZACH'S POST): As I was online looking for doctors to get a tetnious shot (since I was thrown against a steel fence) and a doctor to examine my neck, I found your post while I was online. THANKS!!! And I hope everyone will keep a "good thought" for Zuma Dogg as I recover from the emotional trauma suffered as I was blindsided by this violent camera operator who clearly broke the law on camera while the whole city watched.

AND AS MANY OF YOU KNOW ZD HAS BEEN OFF-LINE SINCE SATURDAY. Check back later today for an update from this week's City Council meetings. AND THANKS TO EVERYONE WHO HAS CALLED ME IN THE PAST COUPLE DAYS. I haven't had a cell phone and I haven't been online for a couple days. Will be in contact soon.