Saturday, June 21, 2008

Zuma Dogg on "Zuma Dogg For Mayor of Los Angeles"

i know a lot of people support walter because of J's Law, and I would vote for Walter over Antonio if I wasn't running. If i put my name on the ballot (you can't even get petitions until November) it is only because as someone who is frustrated with the direction of City Hall; an being someone who thinks I can "fix the system", I'll probably be compelled to put my name on the ballot in the same way I reluctantly head down to City Hall for public comment -- even though every one is supposed to be my last trip. But I keep going...and if I KEEP keep going, putting my name on the ballot would be the next step.

And I may not even change a thing. (May not even get around to all the fundraising and big ad campaigns.) I DON'T HAVE TO...because I just woke up and headed down to city hall for the better part of two years (plus all the radio calls and public access TV shows that people still remember). But besides the recognition (cause they can know you , but hate you); people have seen that I show up to the podium informed and seem to represent the "people's" side of things in a fair way.


BUT HERE IS WHAT YOU SHOULD KNOW, since you were nice enough to say you would (confidential part)...

The Deming thing is CRUCIAL. I would be a joke of a candidate if it weren't for the fact that I DO happen to be internationally published on the topic of "Methods for management of quality and productivity."

Tony Robbins sent me a letter after reading my article on Deming. Bob Pittman (then President of Time Warner Enterprises) invited me into his office for a meeting, in which he took my resume and sent it out to a few of his friends, which was BIG!

I ended up going from "out of work" in radio (because my station changed format to Country) -- to my dream radio job of Z-100/New York and ended up moving up in the world to Billboard magazine.

LOTS OF BACKGROUND IN RESEARCH. I was the known as the "research guru".


If nothing else, I would get in there an improve the efficiency of all departments, Citywide -- reducing waste and expense. And it is done through empowerment and innovation.

THEN, factor in the fact that I am not a desperate, money hungry, corrupt politician -- so the money would end up going where it is supposed to as I make sure the non-profit racket is legitimized.

And all the other stuff...

ALL THE ANSWERS ARE ALREADY OUT THERE. The mayor, whoever it is, has all the top experts and resources available to them. It's a matter of what spirit and intent you have.

ZD is a "consensus machine". For some reason I'm able to talk to two people and figure out who is shady and who represents the people.

So as mayor, I would make sure the process is not rigged anymore either and simply represent the will of the people. That doesn't mean you are able to fill every pothole and fix every sidewalk, every time someone calls 3-1-1...but I DO NOT THINK the will of the people are being executed in these community plans.

And all these top minds throughout the city know who Deming is. You cannot make it through the university system and upper-level management classes without knowing Deming. But most people know WHO he is, and a little about his 14 points...but it is the Presidents of Sony/Time Warner/Fortune 500 CEOS that get excited about Deming.

When these top level people and organizers find out ZD is going to implement Deming's 14 points...they'll see ZD is no joke and they'll throw everyone else under the bus.

DEMING IS AN INTERNATIONAL STANDARD. I was at Tourism and Economic Committee meeting with Rosendahl and Hahn to tell them, "When a big money investor flies to Los Angeles from China, India, Dubai or wherever -- they know as soon as they step off the plane and into a taxi that Los Angeles does not embrace Deming. It's an insult.

The world is used to a certain standard, and when they visit Los Angeles, it is a real shock, sad commentary, frustrating and considered an insult to some international investors. ("Why haven't these lazy Americans implemented Deming's 14 points?")

The guy has his own coin in Japan, and he is from Washington, D.C. (LOL!)


* Empowering City employees to start putting common sense back into the job, because ZD knows you already know what to do and where the problems lie. You have just been working in a fear based, vindictive environment. Please let your supervisor know how they can "fix the system" for you to allow yourselves to do better jobs.

As mayor, that's job #1...fixing the system so that city employees can best do their jobs. Most of the problems a customer encounters isn't the employee's fault. It's the bosses fault for not "fixing the system" for the individual.

* Listening to ZD's favorite top experts and tell them to do a 180 degree turnaround on the shadiness. For example, take CLA Gerry Miller who writes up all of these shady agenda items. Well, that's just because the mayor and CMs are telling him to come up with this shady stuff. (Prop S, new fees and hikes and all the stuff ZD alerts people to on TV 35.)

Well, I would say to Gerry, "Here's the direction we need to take and the outcome we need to achieve...and he would be just as clever and brilliant at coming up with UN-SHADY legalese for ZD and the City.

* NON-PROFITS: #1 PROBLEM. It's money that is supposed to help the communities that need it the most, but they never get the services that are promised -- so the community falls into further disrepair. Not all problems are due to city corruption. But I want to make sure it isn't ANY of the problem. Because if the money was being spent in the spirit in which it is intended, the communities would be better off and there would be less of all the problems people are complaining about.)

* SPECIAL ORDER 40/Jamiel's Law/etc.: ZD says you don't have to go through all the revisions and changes and new laws and all of that.

Bratton knows what to do. He isn't doing it because of Villar politics. The police WANT to do their jobs, but are not allowed. All it would take to start achieving the goals that Kevin James and Walter want to achieve is a phone call to Bratton from the mayor telling him to start doing the job he was hired for. In other words, revisions to SO 40/Jamiel's Law and things like that may take a while...while you are waiting for that...there's A LOT, A LOT, A LOT that can be done with a simple call from the mayor to the chief telling him to start enforcing the will of the community.