My name is (Parent). I am writing this tonight because I am extremely upset about a note card that my children brought home from school. In regard to the upcoming GEPENC elections. Where I understand you want to reach as many people as possible, I am upset that these candidates went through the children.
They are not allowed to vote, but yet you will use them as vehicles to solicit votes for your slate cam pain. No I did not spell that incorrectly, this is a pain. There is no reason why my children need to be involved in bringing home such political solicitations. It would be one thing if it was information about everyone involved with the elections.
Also I feel like you are falsely representing yourselves, as the "tireless community workers" You are saying that you, and you alone are the only few who work tirelessly for our community. That makes me think that you are saying that others who are running do not met that criteria.
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