Saturday, August 30, 2008

Zuma Dogg Music Videos About "Vote NO on Prop S (S for "Shady")

Zuma's Holiday Smash Hit - "Zuma Dogg is Coming To Town"


Eat your heart out Johnny Rotten: Zuma Dogg just banged out a Sex Pistols style song about the new illegal phone and internet tax on the ballot in Los Angeles in February. (Proposition S -- S for "Shady") Even if you don't care about the ballot measure, it's worth a view for ZD's Johnny Rotten impersonation.

Zuma "Rotten" Dogg - "Prop S Punk"


ZD's YouTube page

["Prop S Punk" original music track written and produced by Humachine of Zone Music Inc. It's called "Kick In The Door".]