While ZD was questioning the source on the likelihood of Villaraigosa or any City Councilmembers getting caught up in the pension scandal (now affectionately called, "PensionGate" by ZD), the source snapped back, "Why do you care about such small potatoes?"(Sorry Councilmembers, your just small potato foot solidiers there to do the big boys' dirty work and stay out of the way, CAPISHE!?!? So let's go back and work out way up (or down) the totem pole of shadiness and corruption.
Pictured l-r: Ron Burkle, Dan Weinstein, Antonio Villaraiogsa, "Wicked" Wendy G.
NOTE: Welcome newest member, the IBEW backed/Andrew Cuomo fundraising/Villar get away car riding, LA City Councimember, "Wicked" Wendy Greuel (Aka: :Greuesom Greuel...SHE IS!)
More totem poles to come...like the Bill & Hillary Clinto and Andew Cuomo and Richard Ziman, Vicky Schiff, William H. Jackson and Darius Anderson totem poles. The Jack Weiss totem pole has been canceled. Special Lifetime achievement totem pole to De Beers.