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L.A. Political GANGSTA Rap: "Jose Huizar - Fucking With You" by his KINGPIN BITCH-SLAPPER, ICON Zuma Dogg - via
Posted: 2013-01-04 06:16:24 UTC-08:00
Jose Huizar is NOT L.A. City Clouncil President. BUT, one time, he popped up like an empty-headed flavor Pop Tart to pop off at the mouth, with his MAFIA-PUPPET OPINION on what Zuma Dogg should be allowed to say, during the #Icon's (Zuma Dogg's) public comment time. HUIZAR, of...
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L.A. Gangsta Rap Music Video: "Herb Wesson and the F.B.I." (About L.A. City Council Council President, but not for long...) - via
Posted: 2013-01-04 05:55:34 UTC-08:00
WOW, this is HARSH! Zuma Dogg music video, "Herb Wesson and the F.B.I." (Herb Wesson is current L.A. City Council President...till after March '13 elections, when the other L.A. mafia faction has the votes; and YANKS his ass.) "Herb Wesson and the F.B.I" - (Full...
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15 MINUTE VIDEO: Zuma Dogg on KNBC 4 NEWS -- 15 MINUTES OF ZUMA DOGG on L.A. City Hall (Fraud, Waste & Abuse) MUST SEE L.A. TV --
Posted: 2013-01-03 23:44:57 UTC-08:00
With the L.A. Mayoral Election coming up, March 05, 2013 ("60 Day Warning") -- nothing is new, this time, except, everything is even worse than it was four years ago, at this time, when Zuma Dogg appeared on KNBC 4 News Raw to discuss L.A. City Hall and issue of importance to...
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- "How to Fix L.A. City - Intro to Quality & Productivity" - YouTube Webinar & "Interpreting Deming's 14 Points" ("Well Done" - W Edwards Deming; "Fabulous" - Tony Robbins; "Enjoyed Much" - Bob Pittman [Read Hear & See Webinar]
Posted: 2013-01-03 22:02:52 UTC-08:00
Click here for "Interpreting Deming's 14 Points": "Well Done." - Dr. W. Edwards Deming; "Fabulous" - Anthony Robbins; "I enjoyed it, very much." - Bob Pittman (CEO/Clear Channel) This "Quality & Productivity" webinar based on this article.
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YouTube: Zuma Dogg on Howard Stern (2000 Debut of Zuma Dogg -- E! Show Segment of this Classic Radio Show Appearance)
Posted: 2013-01-03 18:11:18 UTC-08:00
I guess this is history. Not cause it's the Howard Stern Show. But, because it's the DEBUT of Zuma Dogg, anywhere. He returned to L.A. after this segment, and began producing segments at Venice Beach for "The Zuma Dogg Show," which was the first non-scripted reality show, with...
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Zuma Dogg Market Research Statistics Say L.A. City Hall Union Machine Will Have FREE RIDE at The Polls on March 2013 Election ["The People" Asleep At The Titanic Wheel]
Posted: 2013-01-03 06:58:34 UTC-08:00
Bad news for L.A. City activism: Yesterday (01-02-13), though many posts were blogged on L.A. City Hall political matters (elections/ballot measures/"taking back the city") -- ZD's post titled, "50 EXCLUSIVE REGGAE BEATS on POP TIP" (tweeted once, and linking to an unused...
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Proposition LA-A Public Safety and City Services Funding and Accountability City of Los Angeles General Tax Measure [OFFICIAL INFORMATION] via - League of Women Voters, Ballotpedia &
Posted: 2013-01-02 23:12:55 UTC-08:00
Proposition LA-A Public Safety and City Services Funding and Accountability City of Los Angeles General Tax Measure - Majority Approval Required See Also: Index of all Measures To offset severe and repeated State cuts and provide funding for:...
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BREAKING NEWS: Medical Marijuana Measure Qualifies for L.A. Ballot - via KCET on
Posted: 2013-01-02 22:57:55 UTC-08:00
City Clerk June Lagmay determined through a sampling process that backers of the initiative to allow and regulate a certain number of storefront medical marijuana shops have gathered the necessary 41,138 signatures. The measure would reduce by hundreds the number of pot...
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Zuma Dogg - Public Comment Montage (2006-2012) One Full Hour of "Best of Zuma Dogg/Worst of L.A. City Council" [TV 35 Public Comment Videos on L.A. City Hall FRAUD, WASTE & ABUSE of POWER! WHAT HAPPENED TO THE MONEY -- EXPLAINED IN THESE VIDEOS!]
Posted: 2013-01-02 22:02:34 UTC-08:00
@ZumaDogg: "Public Comment" (2006-2012): EXPOSING FRAUD/WASTE/ABUSE ("Municipal Mafia Corruption") that brought L.A. City to it's current ECONOMIC & PUBLIC SERVICES WRECK. THE BLUEPRINT OF CORRUPTION & WASTE! Entertaining, even if you are not into political stuff. Look...
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Secrets of REAL EMPOWEMENT Revealed: How To Improve Quality of Product/Service and YOU, with a HOLISTIC APPROACH to Empowement (The Job of Managment)
Posted: 2013-01-02 20:06:21 UTC-08:00
HERE is a passage on "Empowement" from a holistic approach. You may think this is out of place on an L.A. City "issues/politics/activism" blog, but a New Year always has a "fresh start" feel to it. And creatively, I do feel VERY FRESH START -- and should make for good blogging...
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"The Zuma Dogg & Mayor Sam Talk Show" via Twitter Tweets (On L.A. City Mayoral Election)
Posted: 2013-01-02 19:02:12 UTC-08:00
HERE ARE SOME BACK AND FORTH TWEETS from @MayorSam and @ZumaDogg about L.A. City Mayoral Election. ( View conversation=@MayorSam (Michael Higby) initial tweet. 18h Zuma Dogg ...
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Zuma Dogg Tweets on L.A. City Hall/Union Machine vs The People L.A. (Guess Who LOSES in 2013), "How To Fix L.A." (Quality & Productivity Article and YouTube Webinar) and Insider Memo Warns of 2013 Housing Bubble Burst -- DUE TO D.C. CRONY CORRUTPION (No Surprise): PEOPLE...ELECTED OFFICIALS ARE THROWING YOU UNDER THE BUS IN 2013 - BEND OVER AND TAKE IT!
Posted: 2013-01-02 16:27:18 UTC-08:00
@ZumaDogg Tweets [4:00PM - 01-02-12] A PAPER REVOLUTION!: If L.A. People wanna take back City Hall from thugs, ZD has 2 methods via paperwork templates I already used successfully. U need 20 people. Have 3 of 'em contact me, then just send in the...
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L.A. Daily Blog Programming Note for January 02, 2013
Posted: 2013-01-02 22:48:34 UTC-08:00
WELCOME TO LA Daily Blog 2013! Did some revamping of the blog over year-end break. It looks the same, but more basic, toward goal of a quick/easy scan. MAIN THING is, with L.A. City Elections in full blast mode -- and all the usual L.A. City Hall "budget and services...
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Posted: 2013-01-02 02:07:40 UTC-08:00
To: Zuma Dogg Fr: ZD's Top FLAMING HARDBALL INSIDER, FROM THE PAST Re: 2013 U.S. Fiscal Cliff ALERT (Housing Fraud=CAUSE) Dt: Mark it on your calendar 12-28-12, for the first record of this future incident Mr. Dogg, How can I contact the TV news and get their...
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NEW Hip-Hop BANGER FOR 2013: Zuma Dogg - "East L.A., Let's Shoot Some Skeet"
Posted: 2013-01-02 12:45:45 UTC-08:00
ROCK THE VOTE L.A.: "Start Up The Show" (About L.A. City 2013 Elections) by Zuma Dogg - via
Posted: 2013-01-02 01:53:53 UTC-08:00
[PICTURED: ZD's "Start Up The Show" music producer, J Staffz (@JStaffz) The new #1 Stunna!] ZD's Incomparable Producer J Staffz. "Start Up The Show!" by @ZumaDogg (About March 05, 2013 L.A. City Elections.) "Start Up The Show!": First of all, GOTTA thank...
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Zuma Dogg -- L.A. City News - L.A. Daily Blog "FLAMING HARDBALLS THROUGH CITY HALL WINDOW" ("Best of City Hall" 2012 -- Aka: "Worst of City Hall")
Posted: 2012-12-28 15:58:34 UTC-08:00
HERE'S A "ROCK THE VOTE" Political Anthem (recorded December 28, 2013), "Start Up The Show!" About L.A. City Elections (Union Installations). Inspired after looking at my council district "City Hall/Union" candidate (shoe-in), Not exactly a blog for the...[[ This is a content summary only. Visit my website for full links, other content, and more! ]]