Tuesday, September 2, 2008

LA Daily Blog Update for Wednesday August 3, 2008

TUEDAY'S CITY COUNCIL MEETING: How come it is not posted on the LACity.org website, as usual? (As of 12:19 AM on Wednesday.) Common, people...HIATUS IS OVER! Wake back up and do the jobs you are being paid for! If YOU can't do them, the mayor knows some people who can! (I hope they didn't keep the meeting off the internet because of ZD's comments alerting the public into FBI investigation into City Hall and ZD's take on it.)

IT WAS A HIATUS, NOT A VACATION: Remember, people: Los Angeles City Council is back from HIATUS, not vacation. What's the difference? This past time off, and the hiatus at the end of the year does not count against their vacation time. In other words, teachers don't work year-round, and neither do LA City Councilmembers. They work 11 months of the year. NOT INCLUDING THE VACATION TIME TAKEN DURING THOSE 11 months. 

LA CITY NEWS UPDATE: Make sure you click on the LA City News link at ZumaTimes.com. LA City News is the Official Zuma Times wire service that Zuma Dogg uses for blogging and comment ideas. NOW AVAILABLE TO THE PUBLIC AT ZUMATIMES.com. 

THE ULTIMATE ZUMA DOGG POST: Click here. It a thread with links to EVERY ZD post in the month of August -- INCLUDING the re-posts of ALL TIME MOST IMPORTANT ISSUES BLOGGED BY ZUMA DOGG OVER THE PAST TWO AND A HALF YEARS!!! (A collector's edition thread.) Purpose: For you to have something nice and easy to email to people to help raise awarness this election season. (YOU already know all this stuff...PLEASE CONTACT THOSE WHO ARE STUCK IN LA TIMES/SPIN HELL AND DON'T KNOW WHAT IT REALLY HAPPENING IN LOS ANGELES CITY!


Check back in the morning for some possible updates. I think ZD will be appearing in chambers for General Public Comment today. 

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