What does Villar care, no illegal vendors or corrupt ties -- may as well sell it ! He's like the "Donald Trump" of City Mayors...only more corrupt and much dumber.
Bid to sell city land stirs outcry
Villaraigosa says sale proceeds could aid the budget. Foes seek affordable housing on the Westside parcels.
In his quest to balance the city's books, Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa is gearing up to sell city-owned properties in some of the Westside's most sought-after neighborhoods. [And with City Hall staffers admitting to a $600-$700 budget deficit, even with Prop S money, no wonder the mayor is panicking!]
But Villaraigosa's budget-saving strategy is running up against one of his biggest campaign pledges: to expand affordable housing. [Plus, common sense, which Villaraigosa never factors into the formula, due to the greed and short sightedness of a crack-head.]
The plan to sell "surplus" properties, which could be used for low-income apartments, has also put Villaraigosa at odds with one of his closest City Council allies, Bill Rosendahl, and with Westside neighborhood leaders who seem baffled by his determination to give up sites that could house the poor and elderly. [Bill doesn't remind me of a crack head, maybe that is why he is at odds with the mayor.]
"The only way we can build affordable housing is if the city owns the land," Rosendahl said. "You don't sell your assets, because you can never get them back." [Don't try and win an argument against Antonio using logic and common sense. Smoke some crack, then think about it!]
Maybe Rosendahl should run for mayor, but he wouldn't stand a chance because he isn't a shady, corrupt, lying, backstabbing, crack-head, thug. Sorry, Bill!
full LA Times article
BONUS LINK: The World According To ZEV! (Click here) He's like Madonna, or Cher...one name says it all, y'all!!! GO ZEV!
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