Monday, March 10, 2008

Are the Walls Caving In on LA City Council Chambers?

First, Jose Huizar's Chief of Staff Joe "Safer, Greener, Cleaner" Avila leaves to go to work at DWP. I heard LA City Council President Eric Garcetti and mayoral hopeful CM Janice Hahn are both replacing their Chief of Staff...and now CM Tom LaBong's Communications Director, Jane Galbraith, is leaving to go spin for DWP in the "public affairs group".

What's up with all the defections? Maybe Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa needs some helpers at DWP to help jam those rate hikes through.

And as the Hillary Clinton Campaign Co-Chair, I call for Mayor Antonio Villarigosa to both reject and renounce New York Governor Elliot Spitzer's Super-Delagate support for Clinton. Anything less would be seen as an endorsement of this type of hypocrisy and a besmirch on the City of Los Angeles, and all Los Angelinos since the mayor has decided to use his position as LA Mayor to get involved in all of this.