Sunday, April 13, 2008

City Council Special Order 40 Reform (Smith/Zine Motion) -- The "Ayes" DON'T Have It

Doesn't look like the Zine/Smith motion to make changes to Special Order 40 will pass City Council, as is.

Alarcon: No
Rosendahl: No
Weiss: No
Reyes: No
Perry: No
Cardenas: No
Hahn: No
Zine: Yes
Smith: Yes
LaBong: Yes
Greuel: Yes
Garcetti: Yes
Huizar: No
Wesson: No
Parks: No, because he would lose labor support as Board of Supervisor candidate; but may cave to community pressure and vote, "yes".

No: 10
Yes: 5

The "Ayes" DON'T have it.

In order for it to have a chance at passing they will have to take out the part where LAPD can turn you over to ICE -- even if you are not arrested.

Then maybe Janice would vote "Yes", reluctantly out of pressure, too. But even if Parks and Hahn vote "yes" the "no's" would still have it (8 vs 7) and I don't think Janice would vote yes, cause then the mayor would cut her off from the "gang intervention" money...since he now has consolidated control into his back pocket/office. (Yes, this week the mayor's office took control of the whole intervention unit.)