Thursday, April 10, 2008

Is Councilmember Alarcon Planning on Running For Wendy Greuel's Council Seat When She Runs For Controller

In the "you couldn't make this up" department, is Councilmember Richard Alarcon trying to see if he can slip through a loophole that would allow the desperate, volatile Councilmember to move into Wendy Greuel's neighborhood so he can run for HER council seat (if Prop R is overturned), now that Wendy has all but filed the paperwork to run for City Controller to replace Laura Chick. Who unfortunately cannot run for City Attorney because she is not an attorney. Tamar Galatzan must not be to happy to hear this because there has been loud chatter in City Hall hallways that SHE wants to run for Wendy's seat. Anyway, Alarcon ain't gonna be electable anymore, after this whole Jamiel's Law issue backfires in his face.

Meanwhile, I wish I could tell you where I heard, but I can't, so don't aks...but the decision has been made by big money in the City that there will be a new mayor next election. And don't believe a shred of the spin. ZD says, you are now officially cleared to bet the farm on Antonio losing re-election. The decision has already been made by the money that makes these decisions. So how is that no talent loser gonna win when he's got no financial backing. (Gonna flip the script on him...but of course they need to wait until the last minute, because they have all these projects they are working on together. But as soon as it's time to pick a new program director...they're gonna dump a bucket of water on his back-stabbing, promise-breaking, stammering ass-clown of a puppet Mayor.