Thursday, June 19, 2008

Zuma Times Viewer Mail: City Council's Loss Of Decorum, I mean Quorum (Eric Garcetti, Take Back Control of The Meetings!)

VIEWER MAIL: Yes, "Viewer Mail" because this is from someone who views Zuma Dogg on City TV 35 during the Council meetings and sent this to me as a "Cc:" to L.A. Shitty Council President Eric "Five Agenda Items in One Minute" Garshady.

[To: Eric Garcetti and all the other no-discipline losers on LA Shitty Clowncil like Jackass Weiss.]

Dear Council President Garcetti:

It's about time you tightened up on the absences and foot dragging of the highest paid council members in the country.

Too many personal agendas that conflict with city business is holding up even the done-deals vote polling aside from the shamelessness that failures to maintain a quorum for each meeting have on visitors who travel for their single issue concerns (as determined by the quick exit made after each presentation), not to mention the regular attendees who witness the meetings.

I do see that the 2 minute ( and 1 minute) limit are relaxed if the person has higher prestige. I suggest reminding the speakers by announcing very explicitly that this will be adhered-to equally for everyone, regardless of clergy membership, CEO status or language, and start following it.

JACK WEISS is useless leading the committee holding up the Zine motion. No Action from him! How long is he going to wait to try to kill it? And this inaction just gives CM and committee member Reyes an excuse to ignore my correspondence on the issue.

Please try to shape them up to process things in a more forthright manner. Your exercise of authority today was overdue.

Thank you.

[This guy is way too polite for Zuma Dogg's comfort, but I second the motion!]