Ed Reyes says "slim chance of having something in place by this year," regarding L.A. Medijuana ordinance. http://bit.ly/8fRlMx
I can't wait for Nuch to get better so I can be mad at him again about his Medical Marijuana ordinance! Hope that's SOON!
Even though Zuma Dogg is a gadfly and Garcetti is the Council President there to swat me, he doesn't really hate me. He really LOVES me!
I SAY, let City Council LOSE quorum by sending away other 13 Councilmembers and let Parks and Garcetti work it out. Other 13 offer NOTHING!
Janice Hahn needs to go on vacation for a year, or take leave of absence to run for Lt. Guv: COUNCIL NEEDS TO MAKE SERIOUS BUDGET DECISIONS.
Cal State teacher brought students to City Hall for Council meeting. Says, "Hello" to ZD and tells class, "He's famous," and tells them why.
I EARNED IT THE HARD WAY: As someone passed me on the street, heard them say to friend on phone, "I just saw Zuma Dogg." YES, a BIG deal!
NOW: All media content by @zumadogg (blog posts, radio shows, videos and tweets) feed into http://ZumaDogg.org. ONE PAGE FOR ALL ZD!
RT @AirikaAudio: Zuma Dogg keep it up ZD. LA needs 10 of you.
JOEL WACHS joins Trutanich, Zine, Rosendahl, Zuma Dogg, Police Protective League and others in Voting for CHRISTINE ESSEL this Tues. Dec 8.
RT @LATimescitydesk: L.A. City Council wants bullet train officials to weigh two options for Union Station: http://bit.ly/7oK7fY
RT @ladailynews: Proposal aired for homeless parking: Homeless people would be allowed to park overnight in designate.. http://bit.ly/8IAU4N
GOLD: TAKING OFF ON OVERNIGHT MARKETS...NEW RECORD AGAIN...$1225 as of 5pm today. My friend who made 5% today is gonna make BIG $ on Thurs!
My friend was glad to make 5% gain on @zumadogg's stock picks, but could have made much more if done during pre-market hours. Hurting my %.
RT @randypinball: watching zuma dogg make fools out of the La City Council.
RT @MadHatterAlert: ZD, how about joining us City employees. We need courageous outspoken union Stewarts. You would be able to see the corruption first hand.
ZUMA'S STOCK PICKS: My friend played last night's picks and was up 5% today (in slow market day). $800 profit for calling ZD to say hello.
BEST WISHES TO UNCLE NUCH: Oh no, he got sick over the weekend. Must love the guy, cause I was nauseously sad to hear. City Hall is TOXIC!
ZD's Wall Street GOLD Picks for 12.02.09: GRZ, GDX, GDXJ, UGL (Starting Point...more to come).
ZD STOCK PICK=GOLD MINERS!!! (Based on all time high record GOLD prices today.) Oh, yes...I DID tell YOU so. Sorry you knew more than ZD!
Create A Shortage, So You Can Raise Rates: CIty Water Supply To Be Cut (Now they'll just HAVE to raise rates) http://ow.ly/165VoW
I can think Wall St is going to tank and U.S. economy may never recover; but that doesn't mean I wouldn't buy DOW ProShares in UP day/week.
GOLD: Currently at record $1212. BUT PEOPLE SAID TO ME, "I don't know? Too expensive, now." (They said it at $900, $1000, $1100, Now $1200.)
MEDICAL MARIJUANA ACTIVIST ALERT: L.A. City Council Postpones Marijuana Ordinance Until Next Tuesday http://ow.ly/165Uxk
Breaking news: Supply of water for city to be cut: With assumptions California is headed toward a fourth year of dr... http://bit.ly/8PbXQq
RT @LANow: DWP approves 5-year contract with employee union http://bit.ly/7NwX7s
RT @LATimescitydesk: LA City Council puts off consideration of marijuana ordinance until next week: http://bit.ly/8JFMaD 8:15 PM Dec 1st from HootSuite
RT @abc7: L.A. County Supervisors unanimously approve $707K for renovations of Mark Ridley-Thomas's office http://bit.ly/6xw7km 8:12 PM Dec 1st from HootSuite
Plan to make L.A. 'plug-in ready' laid out: Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa announced a plan Tuesday to p... http://bit.ly/4DmKXG 8:12 PM Dec 1st from HootSuite
Grand Ave. project not in jeopardy: The Board of Supervisors on Tuesday asked for a report on whethe... http://bit.ly/4oaO55 (LOL!)
VIDEO: ZD Public Comment on Budget and Density (12.01.09) - http://ow.ly/HHMf
VIDEO REQUEST: Someone asked for the link to ZD's Speech on LaBong's Miracle Mile Density Madness from 11/25. Here it is: http://ow.ly/HHFo
Zuma Dogg's Wall Street Closing Bell Wrap-Up: How did ZD's Picks Fare on Wall Street, Today? http://ow.ly/165PBl
NEW VIDEO: Zuma Dogg City Hall Public Comment - on CD 2 City Council Election: KREKORIAN MUST BE REJECTED: 12.01.09 http://ow.ly/HFLe .