Friday, May 13, 2011

L.A. BLOG EXCLUSIVE: Watch Replay of Los Angeles City Council Discuss Mayor Villaraigosa's 2011-12 Proposed Budget (Better Than Jerry Springer!)

5/18/11 UPDATE: Here is the blog post with video from TODAY'S marathon budget meeting you are probably looking for.

5/12/11: Item Noticed for Public Hearing - Item 10

ITEM NO. (10) - Motion Required

PRESENTATION OF REPORT BY THE BUDGET AND FINANCE COMMITTEE relative to the Mayor’s Proposed 2011-12 Budget for the City of Los Angeles, related Motions and Resolutions.

THE CITY BUSINESS WILL BEGIN AFTER THE PRESENTATIONS, PARADES & PONY SHOWS -- Could be as late as 12 noon. Can't cut the fluff!:

REPLAY UPDATE!!!: HERE IS EMBEDDED PLAYER CUED UP TO ITEM 10 (You can fast forward through parts you wanna skip. But it's compelling and entertaining all the way through.)

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This breakthrough blog innovation brought to you by
Zuma Dogg. (Have you ever seen the council meeting streaming LIVE, embedded on a blog?)