Monday, September 26, 2011

LA CITY NEWS: HEADLINES for 9/26/2011: Zuma Dogg's LONG AWAITED Settlement Talks w/L.A. CIty Attorney Office on FEDERAL 1st Amendment Lawsuit & MORE!

[PICTURED - CLICK PICTURE FOR REAL-LIFE VIDEO OF 2 REAL LIFE L.A. KINGPINS! ZD TAKES ROUND!: L.A. CITY NEWS PUBLISHER, 2013 L.A. CITY MAYORAL CANDIDATE & FEDERAL WINNER AGAINST CARMEN TRUTANICH'S L.A. CITY ATTORNEY OFFICE, ZUMA, introducing the PUTZ, you LOVE to hate (at this point), and NOW, it's a NATIONAL love-2-hate relationship. (Like the country's NEW JR Ewing! He was corrupt and ruined everything, right? OR, whatever TV show character was corrupt, and ruined everything.) AKA: Zuma Dogg Introduces Villaraigosa (Whether He Wanted Me To, Or Not!)]

STOCKHOLM SYNDROME: We still like each other...kinda.


L.A. City News - by Zuma Dogg

Zuma Hulk wishes this energy would pass...but it's flaring up again...OH NO!!! HEEEEEEEEELP!

Zuma Hulk HOPES this energy finally pass, by the end of business day. I think THEY hope so, too.