Tuesday, June 7, 2011

"The entire problem this city suffers from, that caused it to go broke, is embodied in the mind and mouth of Janice Hahn," and MORE Tweets for 6/7/11

[PICTURED: Get ready, Congress, from someone twice as nutty, four times ditsier, and ten times more corrupt than Michelle Bachman. When she gets to yappin', better have some earplugs. She talks through her nose, and it's an extremely unpleasant tone. And the dumb shit she says makes it even MORE annoying.]

36th Congressional Run-Off Candidate Janice "Con" Hahn, is earning her local nickname, again. She's fighting to have her ballot designation changed from "L.A. City Councilmember," to "Local City Councilmember." Why's THAT, Janice? Ashamed of your record of fraud, waste and abuse as L.A. Councilmember, and everyone knows it, so you try to bamboozle them into thinking you ARE NOT THE COUNCILMEMBER FROM L.A. WHO DROVE IT TO THE EDGE OF BANKRUPTCY UNDER YOUR NINCOMPOOP, MORONIC, NON-SENSE? (Maybe you should go to one of your brother's properties, allegedly paid for with loans from the city, that were allegedly never paid back, and relax. I think that real estate strategy is a pattern that runs in the family.) JANICE "CON" HAHN FOR CONGRESS...because the country isn't in ENOUGH economic trouble. Let's vote in the mastermind of municipal decimation.

GOOD USE of LAPD resources. Two LAPD all terrain vehicles on the Venice Boardwalk, out of commission, along with the cops, not fighting crime, while the armed cop has fun picking up and touching/handling kids...letting them sit all over the vehicle...not a THOUGHT of insurance concerns or damaging the vehicle or the fact that crime is happening all around, as you are posing for photos with kids, inappropriately. Glad everyone was having a good time!

ZD TWEETS (File under Comedy/Tragedy):
  • MR. MAGOO: While @Villaraigosa is flyin' all over as new President of Mayor's Conference, the REAL PRESIDENT has FBI all over his City Hall. less than a minute ago
  • If I had to sum up the entire problem this city suffers from that caused it to go broke, it's embodied in the mind and mouth of Janice Hahn. 2 minutes ago
  • It's not the gifts/VIP tickets politicians take that bothers me: It's the BILLIONS in pension money they LITERALLY handed over to cronies. 6 minutes ago
  • ZD=Rockin' Google search engines! Sorry, Nuch: Just did a search for "L.A. District Attorney Election." ZD's post from YESTERDAY already #3. 13 minutes ago
  • ZD'S ADVICE TO CRONIES OF ELLIOT BROIDY & ALFRED VILLALOBOS: Start worrying! If you have BEEN worrying, start WORRYING MORE! Please bet me! 16 minutes ago
  • @Villaraigosa: You look PRETTY GOOD out there to the world, when Bloomberg & HuffPost headlines say, "Furloughs Coming To L.A." (Succesful?) 22 minutes ago
  • SOMEONE'S GOT A COMMUNICATION LEAK, Y'ALL: If they didn't, then how do I know ZD's post on D.A. election sent some folks into media action? 26 minutes ago
  • Wish I could sell $1 raffle tickets for the chance to slap that stupid photo-op grin off @Villaraigosa's face. I'd be a multi-millionaire. 30 minutes ago
  • I'm glad that Mr. Magoo, corrupt-putz @Villaraigosa has his shit @CityHall so handled, he can be new President of U.S. Conference of Mayors. 33 minutes ago
  • Can't take bribes; can't take VIP tickets; can't have parking tickets fixed; no more $ to pilfer; can't run for office: WHY EVEN BE MAYOR? 37 minutes ago
  • Now that most money LA organized crime thugs were extracting out of city hall has dried up, make Antonio start yelling for some train money! 42 minutes ago
  • Between cracking down on bribes and Hollywood VIP even tickets, @EricGarcetti is having second thoughts on running for mayor. 45 minutes ago
  • The SECOND State & Federal government cancels all money to L.A. City non-profits is when every politician in town leaves. NO REASON FOR GIG! 46 minutes ago
  • The goal of an elected official is not to provide services. That's just a side chore. You wake up to collaborate new ways to pilfer city $. 48 minutes ago
  • You DO realize the job of politicians keeping city services functioning is only their "homework" before they get to go out and play/pilfer. 51 minutes ago
  • It's a shame government provides all this money for non-profits to provide needed services to the community, to have politicians pilfer it. 53 minutes ago
  • In old days, the movie would be a Western with posses riding in on horses to rob a bank. Today, it's elected officials pilfering city funds. 56 minutes ago
  • While you are hypnotized in front of facebook, your politicians have been setting up phony non-profits with cronies to hand city money into. 58 minutes ago
  • Waste is part of it. But make NO MISTAKE: What has happened is, elected officials handed over MASSIVE CHUNKS of the general fund to cronies. about an hour ago
  • You can't begrudge an elected official who becomes a puppet to hand money over to organized crime. If THEY didn't, someone else would have. about an hour ago
  • What happened in LA was=Organized crime made City Hall puppets hand over the money through project-pilfering & Council is left holding bag.
  • ZD (Oct'10): FBI investigates Housing Developer bribes/illegal campaign $ to LA elected officials. Villaraigosa took campaign $ from them.
  • Thing about ZD: Met most of the people scorned by city hall that became outspoken. If someone goes to Feds, ZD most likely one degree away.
  • L.A. Bldg & Safety Inspectors: A few of them, kinda like "The Sorpranos." City Hall knows all about the bribes, but YOU try to stop them.
  • Richard Alarcon just popped up as Twitter suggestion as, "similar to you." WE ARE SIMILAR. Both want to take as much money off city's hands.
  • Twitter needs to re-program their software that suggests other people, "similar to you." just popped up. We are not similar.
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